2012 Summer Project Week:XNATSlicerIntegration
Key Investigators
- Washington University in St. Louis: Daniel Marcus, Sunil Kumar
- Isomics: Steve Pieper
Allow data exchange between XNAT and Slicer in the following scenarios:
1) Download and view scans (as DICOMS).
2) Create and upload Slicer Scenes to XNAT using XNAT-downloaded scans.
3) Update Slicer scenes stored in XNAT that leverage XNAT images. The interface will be contained entirely within Slicer. The end-state aims to leverage XNAT's web interface, the current state uses the XNAT REST API to construct a tree view that allows the user to navigate through projects, experiments, sessions and scans.
Approach, Plan
Phase 1: Develop a beta module that fulfills the outlined objectives.
Phase 2: Solidify UI and functionality though user testing.
Phase 3: Port the REST API-based UI into a web-based UI.
As of June 2012, a beta version of this widget is being tested.
Known Issues
Delivery Mechanism
This work will be delivered to the NA-MIC Kit as a (please select the appropriate options by noting YES against them below)
- Slicer Module - YES