2012 Summer Project Week:XNATSlicerIntegration

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Home < 2012 Summer Project Week:XNATSlicerIntegration

Key Investigators

  • Washington University in St. Louis: Daniel Marcus, Sunil Kumar
  • Isomics: Steve Pieper


Allow data exchange between XNAT and Slicer in the following scenarios:
1) Download and view scans (as DICOMS).
2) Create and upload Slicer Scenes to XNAT, using XNAT-downloaded scans OR locally stored files.
3) Any uploaded Slicer scene package that references XNAT data will be linked to the data via a URL. The module will recognize the remote links and conduct the necessary legwork so as when the scene is downloaded, the referenced files will also be downloaded. This involves parsing the mrmls and linking the referenced directories to XNAT URLs, in addition to other routines.
4) Update Slicer scenes stored in XNAT. The interface will be contained entirely within Slicer. The end-state aims to leverage XNAT's web interface. The current state uses the XNAT REST API to construct a tree view.

Approach, Plan

Phase 1: Develop a beta module that fulfills the outlined objectives.
Phase 2: Solidify UI and functionality though user testing.
Phase 3: Port the REST API-based UI into a web-based UI.


As of June 2012, a beta version of this widget is being tested.

Known Issues

1) MEDIUM: Module tends to crash more frequently during the "Update Scene" workflow. Next step: isolate why, repeat test.
2) MINOR: The widget utilizes the DICOM

Delivery Mechanism

This work will be delivered to the NA-MIC Kit as a (please select the appropriate options by noting YES against them below)

  1. Slicer Module - YES

Known Issues
