2012 Summer Project Week:Needle Tip Tracking
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Home < 2012 Summer Project Week:Needle Tip Tracking
Key Investigators
- BWH: Atsushi Yamada, Nobuhiko Hata
The aim of this project is to create needle tip tracking software for real-time MR images, which include data server of the tracked tip by using OpenIGTLink. We will implement the following elements:
- Image-basd tip tracker
- Tracked data server by using OpenIGTLink
- Image receiver
Approach, Plan
This software will be independent from Slicer to use this program for Slicer3 and Slicer4.
Delivery Mechanism
This work will be delivered to the NA-MIC Kit as a (please select the appropriate options by noting YES against them below)
- ITK Module
- Slicer Module
- Built-in YES
- Extension -- commandline
- Extension -- loadable
- Other (Please specify)