2012 Project Week Breakout Session: SimpleITK
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Home < 2012 Project Week Breakout Session: SimpleITK
This session will focus on demonstrating how to use SimpleITK with Slicer.
- How to compile Slicer for SimpleITK integration
- How to build a CLI module with SimpleITK
- How to pass images to/from Slicer in python
import SimpleITK as sitk import sitkUtils as su help(su.PullFromSlicer) # PullFromSlicer(NodeName) # Given a slicer MRML image name, return the SimpleITK image object. help(su.PushToSlicer) # PushToSlicer(sitkimage, NodeName, makeBackgroundImage=False) # Given a SimpleITK image, push it back to slicer for viewing help(sitk.OtsuThreshold) # OtsuThreshold(Image image, uint8_t inInsideValue = 1u, # uint8_t inOutsideValue = 0u, # uint32_t inNumberOfHistogramBins = 128u) -> Image help(sitk.Cast) help(sitk.CannyEdgeDetection) help(sitk.SobelEdgeDetection) mrhead=su.PullFromSlicer("MRHead") mrhead.GetDirection() mrhead.GetSpacing() mrhead.GetOrigin() mask=sitk.OtsuThreshold(mrhead,1,0) su.PushToSlicer(mask,"MyMask",1) def MakeOutline(FillSize): dilate=sitk.DilateObjectMorphology(mask,FillSize) erode=sitk.ErodeObjectMorphology(dilate,FillSize) float_image=sitk.Cast(erode,sitk.sitkFloat32) edge=sitk.SobelEdgeDetection(float_image) return edge edge=MakeOutline(7) su.PushToSlicer(edge,"Edge",1) PointSource=sitk.Image(64,64,64,sitk.sitkFloat32) PointSource[31,31,31]=100 for sigma in range(1,9,3): gsmooth=sitk.RecursiveGaussian(PointSource,sigma) su.PushToSlicer(gsmooth,"GaussSmooth"+str(sigma),True)