2014 Project Week:DTIAnalysisPipeline
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Home < 2014 Project Week:DTIAnalysisPipeline
Key Investigators
- UNC NIRAL: Francois Budin
- UNC NIRAL: Martin Styner
Analysing Diffusion Tensor Images (DTI) require some specific tools to
- Quality control Diffusion Weighted Images (DTIPrep)
- Provide tools to compute and process DTI (DTIProcess)
- Create an average DTI image from a set of images (DTIAtlasBuilder)
- Visualize and edit tracted fibers (FiberViewerLight)
- Analyze tracts (DTIAtlasFiberAnalyzer)
The goal of this project is to develop Slicer4 extensions providing those tools and verify that they correctly perform on all available platforms.
Approach, Plan
- Some extensions already work on all the plateform for Slicer4.3.1
- Create launchers to start modules with Qt GUI on Windows and MacOS
- Verify that Qt windows appear on top of the main Slicer window when the extension is started
- Correct and update packaging process (DTIAtlasBuilder and DTIPrep)
- Verify that the tools run and give the expected results