2009 Winter Project Week Slicer3Functioning

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Home < 2009 Winter Project Week Slicer3Functioning

Key Investigators

  • BWH: Doug Terry, Marek Kubicki, Sylvain Bouix


To determine the basic functionality of Slicer 3.0 by doing day-to-day post-processing tasks in hopes to help identify problems at an early stage of development.

Approach, Plan

Loading data into Slicer 3.0 and evaluating the ease/efficiency of basic functions (such as drawing, realigning, coregistration, masking, automatic segmentation, deterministic tractography, whole-brain tractography, model making, etc) in a qualitative way.


(Feb 24 2009 and following weeks) Doug attended Slicer3 session at 1249 Boylston with several comments and reports about functionality. All bugs have been documented on the Mantis BugTracker. (1/9/2009) Doug is still in the process of testing basic functionality and should have a report for Steve & Wendy in the following couple weeks.
