2013 Project Week:QualityAssuranceModule

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Home < 2013 Project Week:QualityAssuranceModule

Key Investigators

  • Dave Welch, University of Iowa SINAPSE
  • Hans Johnson, University of Iowa SINAPSE

Project Description


  • We have created several Python-based image quality assurance modules for use by research technicians in our lab. Our goals with this project are:
  1. Refactoring to enable more flexible extension of the modules
  2. Implementation of several user requests, such as hotkeys
  3. Improved interaction with our database for increased robustness
  4. Expanded testing and logging
  5. Documentation and examples on Slicer Wiki

Approach, Plan

  • Implement a test database on-the-fly
  • Expand test code coverage (doctests, unittests via nose)
  • Add logging
  • Decouple module code from DB interaction
  • Refactor and consolidate code from our three modules
  • Improve GUI and MRML interactions


Database interface

  • Implemented in-memory testing database on-the-fly (SQLite)
  • Added extensive testing and logging
  • Supports both Postgres and SQLite
  • Refactored to support all three existing modules
  • Implemented file-based configuration for customization


  • (in progress) GUI construction via configuration file


  • (in progress) code refactoring for generalization
  • (in progress) GUI-MRML coupling via configuration file


  • Improved Python structure and packaging
  • (in progress) Improved documentation of module