2015 Summer Project Week:T1 mapping

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Home < 2015 Summer Project Week:T1 mapping

Key Investigators

  • Xiao Da (MGH), Yangming Ou (MGH), Andriy Fedorov (BWH), Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer (MGH)
  • Utsav Pardasani (Observing)

Project Description

T1 mapping estimates effective tissue parameter maps (T1) from multi-spectral FLASH MRI scans with different flip angles. T1 mapping can be used to optimize parameters for a sequence, monitor diseased tissue, measure Ktrans in DCE-MRI and etc.

T1 Mapping C++ GUI
Comparison of Different T1 Mapping Tools
Sample Results of T1 Mapping


  • Estimate effective T1 from multi-spectral FLASH MRI scans with different flip angles
  • Implement T1 mapping algorithm as a Slicer module using C++

Approach, Plan


  • Updated the equations for variable flip angle (VFA) T1 mapping
  • Compared the results using C++ with Python, Freesurfer and the ground truth of T1 for QIBA phantom data
  • T1 mapping results on QIBA phantom data using C++ are comparable with the ground truth and the results using Freesurfer and Python
  • Did some tests on MGH Brain Tumor MR Data with multiple flip angles
  • Created a module for T1 mapping using C++
    • Take multi-spectral FLASH images with an arbitrary number of flip angles as input, and estimate the T1 values of the data for each voxel
    • Read repetition time(TR), echo time(TE) and flip angles from the Dicom header automatically
    • Provide users with options to use ROI mask and choose which flip angles to include or exclude for the fitting process
    • Output the fitting volume and quality of fitting image as well
  • Uploaded the source code on Github
