2015 Winter Project Week: Benchtop Nuerosurgery
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Home < 2015 Winter Project Week: Benchtop Nuerosurgery
Key Investigators
- Steve Pieper, Isomics
- Jim Miller, GE
Project Description
- Develop a plan for a benchtop neurosurgery phantom system.
- Hardware
- TeleMed MicrUs USB US scanner and probe
- NDI tracker
- Microsoft Surface Pro 3 (US)
- Mac Book Pro (Slicer)
- ? video cameras
- Phantom
- Software
- TeleMed US API
- OpenIGTLink
- Slicer
Approach, Plan
- Consider all the components to see how to optimize integration and learn the most from the experiments
- Review options for Phantom
- Life-like or purely abstract?
- US compatible material options
- Calibration?
- Sterilization option for intra-op confirmation?
- Human factors task to perform (to confirm closed-loop visualization)
- MicrUS system has been purchased and shipped, and is currently passing through customs
- Initial discussions with PLUS team for coordinated work
- Planning for working meeting in Boston to integrate MicrUs with PLUS
- Planning to exploration TeleMed drivers and SDK
- Digital image acquisition
- Metadata access and control (Frequency, gain, ...)