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Algorithms Core: Slicer Modules Under Development
These modules will become (or are already) available as extensions in the Slicer Extension Manager as part of the NAMIC Algorithm Core efforts:
- Left atrium segmentation: In collaboration with the Afib DBP. Graph-cut based segmentation that loads meshes, allows users to interactively "center" the model, perform the graph-cut segmentation, scan convert results into a volumetric format. Contact: Gopal Veni, University of Utah.
- Multimaterial meshing: Surface and volumetric meshing of multimaterial volumes with output surface triangles viewable within Slicer. Contact: Jonathan Bronson, University of Utah.
- Interactive segmentation: Control based interactive segmentation module, allowing users to use feedback and observer based principles to drive active contours to equilibrium position and capture desired features. Contact: Ivan Kolesov, SUNY Stony Brook.
- Sobolev active contours: Robust implementation of the active contour methodology using a Sobolev norm, giving much better results in the presence of noise. Contact: Arie Nakhmani, UAB.
- Model-based RSS for left atrium segmentation: RSS integrated with a shape prior that is specifically desgined for segmentating the left atrium from MR images. Contact: Liangjia Zhu, SUNY Stony Brook.
- Left atrial scar segmentation: Given the endocardium of the left atrium, this module automatically extracts the scarring tissue. Contact: Liangjia Zhu, SUNY Stony Brook.
- DTI Fiber Cleaning & Cropping via FiberViewerLight: Given Slicer fiber tracts, perform semi-automatic cleaning and clustering of fibers, define parametrization planes and crop fibers as necessary. Contact: Francois Budin, UNC
- Alternative diffusion and fiber processing via DTIProcess: Alternative set of tools for diffusion reconstruction, processing, fiber tracking and processing (dtiestim, dtiprocess, fiber track and fiber process, fiberstats (statistics over fiber sets), dtiaverage (averaged over multiple dti images). Contact: Francois Budin, UNC
- DTI Registration and DTI atlas building via DTIAtlasBuilder/DTI-Reg: Unbiased group-wise atlas building including additional refinement step, also provides pari-wise DTI registration tool. Contact: Francois Budin, UNC
- DTI fiber profile extraction & analysis via DTIAtlasFiberAnalyzer: Fiber resampling, profile extraction, statistics gathering and fusion of precomputed attributes, stat results with fibers for visualization. Contact: Francois Budin, UNC
- SPHARM-PDM & Particle shape correspondence and analysis: From binary segmentations, generate SPHARM-PDM descriptions, updated via the particle-group wise correspondence. Include statistical analysis and QC visualization of many multiple surfaces at the same time. Contact: Francois Budin & Beatriz Panigua, UNC
- Registration and segmentation of clinical quality brain MRI scans, with application to stroke. Contact: Ramesh Sridharan, MIT.