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Data access

The description of the datasets can be found here. The dataset consists of fMRI scans, PET scans, structural MRI scans, cortical segmentations from Freesurfer, EEG, clinical measures, neurocognitive measures, and genetic data (SNPs) on a set of 28 subjects. The details of the fMRI tasks and analyses are found here.

Data sharing

The imaging, genetic, clinical and cognitive datasets have been approved for sharing with the general research public in de-identified form (as of 1/27/05). The fMRI and structural MRI data are in Analyze (SPM2) format.

Ongoing NA-MIC Projects

Structural Projects

  1. Rule based segmentation: DLPFC (Georgia Tech, UCI, Isomics, Kitware)
  2. Multi-site morphometry in Schizophrenia (UCI, FBIRN)

DTI Projects

  1. DTI Validation (UCI, MGH, UNC, MIT)

fMRI Projects

  1. Imaging Phenotypes in Schizophrenics and Controls (UCI, Toronto)
  2. Attentional Circuits in Schizophrenia as revealed by fMRI and PET (UCI)

2006 Events and Presentations

Regular biweekly meetings of Core 3.2 members continue.

September 2006--tractography inter-rater reliability testing using Slicer begun at UCI using three of the Dartmouth subjects datasets.

August 2006--UCI downloads UNC's shape & segmentation tools for comparison with Freesurfer segmentation.

July 2006--Dartmouth DTI dataset finally becomes available for tractography. Jim Fallon, Martina Panzenboeck, and Adrian Preda begin developing inter-rater validation methods.

June 2006--Circuitry and Genetics Presentation at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting.

April, 2006--Core 3.2 investigator Fabio Macciardi visits UCI for prolonged interactions regarding statistical genetics methods.

March 22, 2006--Ross Whitaker (Core 2) visits UCI for presentations and discussion of Core 3 needs.

January, 2006--the Second International Imaging Genetics Conference is held at the Beckman Center, UCI. www.imaginggenetics.uci.edu

January, 2006--DBP members attend NAMIC AHM. Fallon gives neuroanatomy lecture. Discussions of geodesic distances in/on the brain ensues.

2005 and before

NAMIC December 2005--Jim Fallon visit to Allen Tannenbaum lab Georgia Tech..segmentation rules, ground truth, training session and systems neuroanatomy presentation

'NAMIC December 2005--Jim Fallon visit Guido Gerig lab UNC Chapel Hill DTI training and neuroanatomical analyses'

MBIRN December 2005--Jim Fallon visit Aysenil Belger lab UNC Chapel Hill fMRI analyses clinical data

Transdisciplinary Imaging Genetics Center Training Meeting- July 29, 2005. NAMIC APR comments discussed as well as progress and summaries for all projects.

Transdisciplinary Imaging Genetics Center Training Meeting- July 15, 2005. Included a discussion of the plans for legacy dataset analyses, given the analyses by Stern et al. for power and mixture models.

NAMIC June, 2004--Tannenbaum et al. visit Jim Fallon regarding cortical segmentation rules.

Transdisciplinary Imaging Genetics Center Training Meeting- May 20, 2005. Included a discussion of the plans for legacy dataset analyses, given the needs and methods so far. PET scans included ~100 normals doing CPT and other tasks, with clinical and genetic data. fMRI data from FBIRN should be available for algorithm development purposes.

Transdisciplinary Imaging Genetics Center Training Meeting- May 6, 2005. Overview of current progress by project.

Transdisciplinary Imaging Genetics Center Training Meeting- April 22, 2005. Presentation of Gene/fMRI data analysis using clustering methods on the UCI 28 subject dataset by Sergey Kirshner, Ph.D.

Transdisciplinary Imaging Genetics Center Training Meeting- April 15, 2005. Presentation of Partial Least Squares analysis on the UCI 28 subject dataset by Lisa Kilpatrick, Ph.D.

International Congress for Schizophrenia Research, April 2-April 6, 2005. The Neurocognitive Correlates of BOLD Activation in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex of Patients with Schizophrenia: An fMRI Investigation. Kemp, A. S.; Turner, J. A.; Lee, H. J.; Trondsen, L. C.; Gooch, K. N.; Mirski, D.; Potkin, S. G.; FIRST BIRN. NAMIC acknowledged as supporting.

Transdisciplinary Imaging Genetics Center Training Meeting- April 1, 2005. Presentation of multi-screen HiPerWall use of Slicer by Zhiyu He and Falko Kuester, Ph.D.

BRAINS/Slicer Workshop, March 23 2005 Hosted at UCI.FBIRN:retreat2005#Wednesday_.28Optional.29

Transdisciplinary Imaging Genetics Center Training Meeting- February 8, 2005 Preparation for the NAMIC All Hands Meeting. Data has been uploaded and the Data Repository information confirmed. Identified the following needs for the data that have been uploaded:

1)Region of interest (anatomical) definitions--Jim F. has defined the most interesting ones in Talairach/Brodmann nomenclature.

2)non-linear interactions in genetic data

3)Circuitry analyses (SEM)--have a post-doc working on that now.

First International Imaging Genetics Conference- January 17-18, 2005 The Beckman Center of the National Academy of Science, Irvine, CA.

The International Imaging Genetics Conference, targeting physicians and scientific researchers, brought together national and international experts in neuroimaging, genetics, data-mining, visualization and statistics. This international symposium was held to initially assess the state of the art in the various established fields of genetics and imaging, and to facilitate the transdisciplinary fusion needed to optimize the development of the emerging field of Imaging Genetics. The conference featured presentations from investigators world-wide and held in-depth discussions within the emerging field of Imaging Genetics. Please click on the .pdf icon below to see the list of speakers and the topics they presented at this year’s conference.File:Conference agenda.pdf

Transdisciplinary Imaging Genetics Center Training Meeting- December 7, 2004 Irvine, CA. Presentations by Fabio Macciardi on "Genetic Studies of Schizophrenia" and Padhraic Smyth on "Data Mining for a Multidisciplinary Approach".

Transdisciplinary Imaging Genetics Center Training Meeting- November 30, 2004 Irvine, CA. Presentations by Falko Kuester on "Visualization for high dimensional imaging analysis" and Hal Stern on "A new kind of statistics".

Transdisciplinary Imaging Genetics Center Workshop- November 23, 2004 Irvine, CA. Presentations by Jim Fallon on "Anomalies of neural anatomy and neural circutry in schizopohrenia", Steven Potkin on "PET findings in schizophrenia", David Keator on "Development of PET and data handling", Jessica Turner on "fMRI - Analyses and Derived data", and William Bunney on "Future directions and prospects for psychiatric research".