DCBIA meetings

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CPE Lyon Interns 2014-15

Software development

  • For Windows: Visual Studio C++, Visual Studio 2008 Express
  • For Mac: Xcode, QtCreator
  • For Linux: QtCreator
  • Support in Michigan: Shawn Rawl, Francois to meet with IT

Interns should start by focusing on Python development in Slicer, meaning they can uses the binary distribution of Slicer and they will not need to use Visual Studio/Xcode/QtCreator. The Python development process is the same on all platforms.

The interns should review this material about Python programming in Slicer:


Self-test information

For the test one I wrote and we ran together, it was based on this tutorial: http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/images/8/80/WhiteMatterExplorationTutorial_SoniaPujol_2013.pdf linked from: https://www.slicer.org/wiki/Documentation/4.3/Training#Slicer4_Neurosurgical_Planning_Tutorial The self test code: http://viewvc.slicer.org/viewvc.cgi/Slicer4/trunk/Modules/Loadable/Markups/Testing/Python/NeurosurgicalPlanningTutorialMarkupsSelfTest.py?view=log

The application level self tests are in: http://viewvc.slicer.org/viewvc.cgi/Slicer4/trunk/Applications/SlicerApp/Testing/Python/

Instructions on how to create a new self test: https://www.slicer.org/wiki/Documentation/Nightly/Developers/Tutorials/SelfTestModule


  • Tuesdays Skype meeting at (maybe) 2pm (starting July 16th)
  • Google Hangouts every Tuesday (TBD time)


  1. Fiducial selection constrained to surfaces, C++ using VTK and the MRML, already in Slicer3. More to be discussed. FIRST STEP, to download Slicer3 play with fiducials, search in the code where that is done. (Lucie)
  2. Cropping module, initial stage just a cropping plane. FIRST STEP, Use the clipping model option to get familiar on how it works and being able to gather info from Slicer. (Julia)

Color tables

  • Francois developed a little tutorial like document
  • Scalar bars (display scalar range) are still 0-100 values in the Model module, but if you go to Colors Module the range is ok
  • Lucia's student to try to re-generate research figures Tutorial

Next Meetings

  • Not coming to Boston in Sept 2014
  • Planing for AADR 2015 in Boston (March)
  • Ann Arbor in August for Francois (around August 9th)
  • January Salt Lake January 6th to 10th 2015

Meetings Weds June 24th

  • Francois: 3dMeshMetric and ModeltoModelCorrespondence. 3dMeshMetric might not be an extension, licensing problems. She uses GPL license (MeshValmet's license). Lab in Michigan uses ModeltoModelCorresponce & ShapePopulationViewer. It doesnt have a problem.
  • Francois: Work on the correspondence checkbox in the ModeltoModelDistance module

Progress report

  • Personal report
  • Updated publications
  • Biosketch
  • Personal Justification for each subcontract
  • PHS 2590 forms

Currents work: James & Guido