Standalone FE Mesh Quality Viewer

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Home < Standalone FE Mesh Quality Viewer

We elected to develop a standalone Finite Element Mesh Quality Viewer first before integrating into Slicer3 for three primary reasons: First, this let us focus first on the development and understanding of mesh quality measurements and how to attach quality measurements as cell data in VTK pipelines to achieve the desired rendering results. Secondly, our team gained valuable experience training on KWWidgets and how to construct a complete user interface using KWWidgets. Finally, the standalone solution was easy to deploy to students and staff at the University of Iowa in use during their mesh generation process.



Below is a screenshot of the standalone mesh viewer in action. Meshes are loaded, then viewed using multiple mesh quality metrics. A cutting plane is supported to allow the user to cut away and examine interior detail of a mesh. The basic functionality of the mesh quality visualization has also been included in IA-FEMesh.

Mesh Quality visualization in IA-FEMesh