2008 Engineering review at Utah:Summary

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Home < 2008 Engineering review at Utah:Summary
  • Monday 24
  • Kick-off presentations and definition of open issues to be discussed. Main theme: a) Putting modules into workflow pipelines, running such pipelines on a large number of datasets using a batch processing and eventually grid capabilities. b) New methods from the Utah groups to be integrated into Slicer-3. Presentations by different groups on:
    • Slicer-3 architecture
    • Segmentation
    • DTI analysis
    • Shape analysis
  • Tuesday 25: Topics discussed in details:
    • Dicom to nrrd conversion, in particular with DWI data with different coordinate systems, gradient direction schemes, variable b-values and more. Agreed to run a "hard test" by taking new Siemens mosaic-format, multiple b-value DICOM data (Core-3 UNC autism project) and testing the existing conversion tool.
    • Quality control / Validation: Discussion of need to QC the nrrd DTI data (conversion correct?, tensors in correct orientation?, outlier detection?, artifact detection?). Group defined a need to work on QC methodology for data quality checking, to be run within Slicer-3 but maybe also as a stand-alone command-line as part of the data conversion and correction pipelines.
    • Workflow: Concepts of a workflow environment was discussed, using the example of DTI preprocessing and population-based analysis of DTI data. Need for two concepts, one for chaining of NAMIC modules, and one for running such chains/pipelines in a batch mode. Discussion of Batchmake versus capabilities of Grid computing.
    • Workflow in DWI preprocessing: DICOM to nrrd conversion, motion correction, Eddy current correction, linear registration to anatomical MRI or atlas space, robust calculation of tensor etc.: Would be unique NAMIC contribution to help all researchers. All pieces exist (nrrd Core-2, linear registration with scalar images by Jim Miller and itk modules, transformation of DWI and tensor fields via Francois and Casey, concatenation of transformations as planned (see Summary). Motion and Eddy current correction might be made available as a pipeline in collaboration of Tom Fletcher with Sylvain Bouix and Alex.
    • Workflow in population-based DTI analysis: Discussion of population-based DWI analysis of white matter fiber bundles. Casey Goodlett has all modules in cvs repository, ready to be delivered as NAMIC modules, ready to be used in a NAMIC chaining architecture. Group registration of large set of images is using the MIT atlas-building code (Polina Golland, Sardar), preliminary tests are successful. The prototype of a fully automatic workflow for processing of DWI study is planned for the summer programming week end of June 2008 (see summary). Statistics is so far done with Matlab. Discussion on using "R" as statistics modules in Slicer-3.
    • Statistics in Slicer-3: Discussion shows that there might be an interest to integrate basic statistical analysis into pipelines (DTI, shape, etc.). A candidate statistics package might be "R". Also, communication between files might be best if results would be written as csv files. These files can then be read by Excel, SAS or any type of statistics software.
    • Workflow in Segmentation: Brain tissue segmentation developed by Marcel Prastawa has a very different focus than Kilian's EMS. The package by Marcel is already designed as a workflow, integrating a one-level fully automatic full brain analysis, with arbitrary #of MRI channels, nonparametric classification, skull stripping and bias correction. The package forms the basis for new lesion modeling and segmentation as currently in development (rules on intensity and spatial priors). The shape pipeline can be presented to users via special packages, like a brain-stripping module, a bias correction module, a full brain tissue classification module, etc. Resulting output files (probabilistic segmentation maps, label map, bias-corrected multi-channel MRI, registered atlas) can be exchanged across other packages. Marcel Prastawa will further refine the modularized software and make the modules available via the NAMIC repository, chaining is already prepared and planned for summer (see Summary).
    • Workflow in Shape Analysis:

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