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# Ackerman Michael External Advisory Board
# Mohan Vandana Georgia Institute of Technology Core 1 (attended PHW)
# Alan Douglas Harvard University
# Nain Delphine Georgia Institute of Technology Core 1 (attended PHW)
# Antiga Luca Mario Negri Institute
# Gao Yi Georgia Institute of Technology Core 1 (attended PHW)
# Aucoin Nicole Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Melonakos John Georgia Institute of Technology Core 1 (attended PHW)
# Aylward Stephen Kitware, Inc.
# Tannenbaum Allen Georgia Institute of Technology Core 1
# Bafna Ritesh The University of Iowa
# Jen Dennis Harvard University MGH Core 1 (attended PHW)
# Balci Serdar Kemal MIT
# Fischl Bruce Harvard University MGH Core 1
# Barre Sebastien Kitware, Inc.
# Balci Serdar Kemal MIT Core 1 (attended PHW)
# Blezek Daniel GE Research
# Kim Bryce MIT Core 1
# Bockholt H Jeremy The MIND Institute
# Maddah Mahnaz MIT Core 1
# Bouix Sylvain Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Ngo Tri MIT Core 1
# Burdette E. Clif Acoustic MedSystems /Johns Hopkins
# Ou Wanmei MIT Core 1
# Cedilnik Andy Kitware, Inc.
# Pohl Kilian MIT Core 1 (attended PHW)
# Cohen Zohara National Institutes of Health
# Sabuncu Mert MIT Core 1
# Davis Bradley Kitware, Inc.
# Yeo Boon Thye MIT Core 1
# Davis McKay SCI Institute
# Ziyan Ulas MIT Core 1
# DeVries Nicole The University of Iowa
# Davis McKay SCI Institute Core 1
# DiMaio Simon Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Fletcher Tom SCI Institute Core 1
# Ellisman Mark UCSD
# Whitaker Ross SCI Institute Core 1
# Fichtinger Gabor Johns Hopkins University
# Styner Martin UNC CH Core 1
# Fischl Bruce Harvard/MGH
# Gerig Guido UNC Chapel Hill Core 1
# Fletcher Tom SCI Institute
# Goodlett Casey UNC Chapel Hill Core 1
# Gao Yi Georgia Tech
# Oguz Ipek UNC Chapel Hill Core 1
# Gerig Guido UNC Chapel Hill
# Tao Ran University of Utah Core 1
# Goldberg-Zimring Daniel Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Yarmarkovich Alexander Brigham and Women's Hospital Core 2 (attended PHW)
# Goodlett Casey University of North Carolina
# Blezek Daniel GE Research Core 2 (attended PHW)
# Grosland Nicole The University of Iowa
# Lorensen William GE Research Core 2 (attended PHW)
# Halle Michael Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Miller James GE Research Core 2 (attended PHW)
# Hata Nobuhiko Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Aylward Stephen Kitware, Inc. Core 2 (attended PHW)
# Hayes Kathryn Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Barre Sebastien Kitware, Inc. Core 2 (attended PHW)
# Hazlett Heather Cody University of North Carolina
# Davis Bradley Kitware, Inc. Core 2 (attended PHW)
# Ibanez Luis Kitware, Inc.
# Ibanez Luis Kitware, Inc. Core 2 (attended PHW)
# Jen Dennis Harvard University
# Schroeder Will Kitware, Inc. Core 2 (attended PHW)
# Johnson Chris Chair, External Advisory Board
# Rajendiran Jagadeeswaran UCLA Core 2 (attended PHW)
# Jones Neil
# Ellisman Mark UCSD Core 2
# Kallemeyn Nicole The University of Iowa
# Smith W. Bryan UCSD/NCMIR Core 2 (attended PHW)
# Kennedy James University of Toronto
# Jones Neil UCSD Core 2
# Kikinis Ron Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Markant Doug Brigham and Women's Hospital Core 3
# Kim Bryce MIT
# Niethammer Marc Brigham and Women's Hospital Core 3
# Kogan Alex Northwestern University
# Quintus Katharina Brigham and Women's Hospital Core 3
# Kubicki Marek Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Roth Robert Dartmouth Medical School Core 3
# Lisle Curtis KnowledgeVis
# Saykin Andrew Dartmouth Medical School Core 3
# Liu Haiying Brigham and Women's Hospital
# West John IUPUI Core 3
# Lorensen William GE Research
# Voineskos Aristotle Neurogenetics/University of Toronto Core 3
# Maddah Mahnaz MIT
# Shenton Martha Harvard/BWH Core 3
# Magnotta Vincent The University of Iowa
# Potkin Steve UC Irvine Core 3
# Markant Doug Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Preda Adrian UC Irvine Core 3
# Megason Sean Cal Tech
# Kennedy James University of Toronto Core 3
# Melonakos John Georgia Tech
# Kubicki Marek Brigham and Women's Hospital Core 3-II
# Miller James GE Research
# Fichtinger Gabor Johns Hopkins University Core 3-II
# Mohan Vandana Georgia Inst of Technology
# Grosland Nicole The University of Iowa Core 3-II
# Mongkolwat Pattanasak Northwestern University
# Hazlett Heather Cody UNC Chapel Hill Core 3-II
# Nain Delphine Georgia Institute of Technology
# Cedilnik Andy Kitware, Inc. Core 4 (attended PHW)
# Napel Sandy External Advisory Board
# Pujol Sonia Brigham and Women's Hospital Core 5
# Ngo Tri MIT
# Pieper Steve Isomics, Inc. Core 6 (attended PHW)
# Niethammer Marc Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Kikinis Ron Brigham and Women's Hospital Core 7
# ODonnell Lauren Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Johnson Chris Chair, External Advisory Board EAB
# Oguz Ipek University of North Carolina
# Ackerman Michael External Advisory Board EAB
# Ou Wanmei MIT
# Napel Sandy External Advisory Board EAB
# Pearlson Godfrey External Advisory Board
# Pearlson Godfrey External Advisory Board EAB
# Peng Grace National Institutes of Health
# Pierpaoli Carlo External Advisory Board EAB
# Pieper Steve Isomics, Inc.
# Prior Fred External Advisory Board EAB
# Pierpaoli Carlo External Advisory Board
# Cohen Zohara National Institutes of Health NIH
# Plesniak Wendy Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Peng Grace National Institutes of Health NIH
# Pohl Kilian MIT
# Burdette E. Clif Acoustic MedSystems /Johns Hopkins Collaborator
# Potkin Steve UC Irvine
# Aucoin Nicole Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
# Preda Adrian UC Irvine
# Bouix Sylvain Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator
# Prior Fred External Advisory Board
# DiMaio Simon Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
# Pujol Sonia Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Goldberg-Zimring Daniel Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
# Quintus Katharina Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Halle Michael Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
# Rajendiran Jagadeeswaran UCLA
# Hata Nobuhiko Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
# Roth Robert Dartmouth Medical School
# Hayes Kathryn Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
# Sabuncu Mert MIT
# Liu Haiying Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
# San Jose Estepar Raul BWH
# ODonnell Lauren Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
# Saykin Andrew Dartmouth Medical School
# Plesniak Wendy Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
# Schroeder Will Kitware, Inc.
# Sierra Raimundo Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
# Shenton Martha Partners Healthcare System
# San Jose Estepar Raul Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
# Shivanna Kiran The University of Iowa
# Megason Sean Cal Tech Collaborator
# Sierra Raimundo Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Zhao Zheen Duke University Collaborator
# Smith W. Bryan UCSD/NCMIR
# Alan Douglas Harvard University IIC Collaborator (attended PHW)
# Styner Martin UNC CH
# Lisle Curtis KnowledgeVis Collaborator
# Tadepalli Srinivas The University of Iowa
# Antiga Luca Mario Negri Institute Collaborator (attended PHW)
# Talbot Skip Northwestern Dept. of Radiology
# Wells William MIT Collaborator (attended PHW)
# Tannenbaum Allen Georgia Tech
# Zollei Lilla MIT Collaborator (attended PHW)
# Tao Ran University of Utah
# Talbot Skip Northwestern Dept. of Radiology Collaborator
# Voineskos Aristotle Neurogenetics/University of Toronto
# Kogan Alex Northwestern University Collaborator
# Wells William MIT
# Mongkolwat Pattanasak Northwestern University Collaborator (attended PHW)
# West John IUPUI
# Wilson Nathan Stanford University Collaborator
# Whitaker Ross SCI Institute
# Bockholt H Jeremy The MIND Institute Collaborator
# Wilson Nathan Stanford University
# Bafna Ritesh The University of Iowa Collaborator
# Wyatt Chris Virginia Tech
# DeVries Nicole The University of Iowa Collaborator
# Yarmarkovich Alexander Brigham and Women's Hospital
# Kallemeyn Nicole The University of Iowa Collaborator
# Yeo Boon Thye MIT
# Magnotta Vincent The University of Iowa Collaborator (attended PHW)
# Zhao Zheen Duke University
# Shivanna Kiran The University of Iowa Collaborator (attended PHW)
# Ziyan Ulas MIT
# Tadepalli Srinivas The University of Iowa Collaborator
# Zollei Lilla MIT
# Wyatt Chris Virginia Tech Collaborator (attended PHW)

Latest revision as of 18:10, 16 March 2007

Home < AHM 2007 Attendee List
  1. Mohan Vandana Georgia Institute of Technology Core 1 (attended PHW)
  2. Nain Delphine Georgia Institute of Technology Core 1 (attended PHW)
  3. Gao Yi Georgia Institute of Technology Core 1 (attended PHW)
  4. Melonakos John Georgia Institute of Technology Core 1 (attended PHW)
  5. Tannenbaum Allen Georgia Institute of Technology Core 1
  6. Jen Dennis Harvard University MGH Core 1 (attended PHW)
  7. Fischl Bruce Harvard University MGH Core 1
  8. Balci Serdar Kemal MIT Core 1 (attended PHW)
  9. Kim Bryce MIT Core 1
  10. Maddah Mahnaz MIT Core 1
  11. Ngo Tri MIT Core 1
  12. Ou Wanmei MIT Core 1
  13. Pohl Kilian MIT Core 1 (attended PHW)
  14. Sabuncu Mert MIT Core 1
  15. Yeo Boon Thye MIT Core 1
  16. Ziyan Ulas MIT Core 1
  17. Davis McKay SCI Institute Core 1
  18. Fletcher Tom SCI Institute Core 1
  19. Whitaker Ross SCI Institute Core 1
  20. Styner Martin UNC CH Core 1
  21. Gerig Guido UNC Chapel Hill Core 1
  22. Goodlett Casey UNC Chapel Hill Core 1
  23. Oguz Ipek UNC Chapel Hill Core 1
  24. Tao Ran University of Utah Core 1
  25. Yarmarkovich Alexander Brigham and Women's Hospital Core 2 (attended PHW)
  26. Blezek Daniel GE Research Core 2 (attended PHW)
  27. Lorensen William GE Research Core 2 (attended PHW)
  28. Miller James GE Research Core 2 (attended PHW)
  29. Aylward Stephen Kitware, Inc. Core 2 (attended PHW)
  30. Barre Sebastien Kitware, Inc. Core 2 (attended PHW)
  31. Davis Bradley Kitware, Inc. Core 2 (attended PHW)
  32. Ibanez Luis Kitware, Inc. Core 2 (attended PHW)
  33. Schroeder Will Kitware, Inc. Core 2 (attended PHW)
  34. Rajendiran Jagadeeswaran UCLA Core 2 (attended PHW)
  35. Ellisman Mark UCSD Core 2
  36. Smith W. Bryan UCSD/NCMIR Core 2 (attended PHW)
  37. Jones Neil UCSD Core 2
  38. Markant Doug Brigham and Women's Hospital Core 3
  39. Niethammer Marc Brigham and Women's Hospital Core 3
  40. Quintus Katharina Brigham and Women's Hospital Core 3
  41. Roth Robert Dartmouth Medical School Core 3
  42. Saykin Andrew Dartmouth Medical School Core 3
  43. West John IUPUI Core 3
  44. Voineskos Aristotle Neurogenetics/University of Toronto Core 3
  45. Shenton Martha Harvard/BWH Core 3
  46. Potkin Steve UC Irvine Core 3
  47. Preda Adrian UC Irvine Core 3
  48. Kennedy James University of Toronto Core 3
  49. Kubicki Marek Brigham and Women's Hospital Core 3-II
  50. Fichtinger Gabor Johns Hopkins University Core 3-II
  51. Grosland Nicole The University of Iowa Core 3-II
  52. Hazlett Heather Cody UNC Chapel Hill Core 3-II
  53. Cedilnik Andy Kitware, Inc. Core 4 (attended PHW)
  54. Pujol Sonia Brigham and Women's Hospital Core 5
  55. Pieper Steve Isomics, Inc. Core 6 (attended PHW)
  56. Kikinis Ron Brigham and Women's Hospital Core 7
  57. Johnson Chris Chair, External Advisory Board EAB
  58. Ackerman Michael External Advisory Board EAB
  59. Napel Sandy External Advisory Board EAB
  60. Pearlson Godfrey External Advisory Board EAB
  61. Pierpaoli Carlo External Advisory Board EAB
  62. Prior Fred External Advisory Board EAB
  63. Cohen Zohara National Institutes of Health NIH
  64. Peng Grace National Institutes of Health NIH
  65. Burdette E. Clif Acoustic MedSystems /Johns Hopkins Collaborator
  66. Aucoin Nicole Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
  67. Bouix Sylvain Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator
  68. DiMaio Simon Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
  69. Goldberg-Zimring Daniel Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
  70. Halle Michael Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
  71. Hata Nobuhiko Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
  72. Hayes Kathryn Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
  73. Liu Haiying Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
  74. ODonnell Lauren Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
  75. Plesniak Wendy Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
  76. Sierra Raimundo Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
  77. San Jose Estepar Raul Brigham and Women's Hospital Collaborator (attended PHW)
  78. Megason Sean Cal Tech Collaborator
  79. Zhao Zheen Duke University Collaborator
  80. Alan Douglas Harvard University IIC Collaborator (attended PHW)
  81. Lisle Curtis KnowledgeVis Collaborator
  82. Antiga Luca Mario Negri Institute Collaborator (attended PHW)
  83. Wells William MIT Collaborator (attended PHW)
  84. Zollei Lilla MIT Collaborator (attended PHW)
  85. Talbot Skip Northwestern Dept. of Radiology Collaborator
  86. Kogan Alex Northwestern University Collaborator
  87. Mongkolwat Pattanasak Northwestern University Collaborator (attended PHW)
  88. Wilson Nathan Stanford University Collaborator
  89. Bockholt H Jeremy The MIND Institute Collaborator
  90. Bafna Ritesh The University of Iowa Collaborator
  91. DeVries Nicole The University of Iowa Collaborator
  92. Kallemeyn Nicole The University of Iowa Collaborator
  93. Magnotta Vincent The University of Iowa Collaborator (attended PHW)
  94. Shivanna Kiran The University of Iowa Collaborator (attended PHW)
  95. Tadepalli Srinivas The University of Iowa Collaborator
  96. Wyatt Chris Virginia Tech Collaborator (attended PHW)