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Home < IGT:ToolKit < Build-NeuroNav

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Notes before you begin

  • Slicer3 is assumed to have been built on your computer in the directory igt-tutorial
  • CMake 2.6 is absolutely required. If you don't have it installed, you can use the version of ccmake found in igt-tutorial/Slicer3-lib/CMake-build/bin (it will be CMake 2.6)


First, get the NeuroNav module source code from the repository:

 $ cd igt-tutorial
 $ svn co http://svn.na-mic.org/NAMICSandBox/trunk/IGTLoadableModules/NeuroNav NeuroNav

Create a new build directory:

 $ mkdir NeuroNav-build

Configure using CMake 2.6: Press the 'c' key, then set Slicer3_DIR to your build directory of Slicer3 (i.e. Slicer3-build), press 'c' again and then press the 'g' key to generate the makefiles.

 $ cd NeuroNav-build
 $ ccmake ../NeuroNav

If the previous command has completed without error, you can start building:

 $ make

Upon completion, you should find libNeuroNav.so (Linux), libNeurNav.dll (on Windows) or libNeuroNav.dylib (Mac OS X) at igt-tutorial/NeuroNav-build