NA-MIC-kit-curriculum/Testing-Based Programming/How to run Code Coverage

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Home < NA-MIC-kit-curriculum < Testing-Based Programming < How to run Code Coverage



This tutorial shows how to run Code Coverage in your project.

Code coverage is a mechanism for counting the number of lines of code that are exercised during the execution of your tests.


You should read first the tutorial:

You should also have installed the package


this is usually installed along with your gcc package

Configuring the Test

In the project that you built in the previous tutorial, do

 make edit_cache

Enable Debug

Then search for the variable


and set it to the word "Debug"

Set Coverage Options

  1. Pass to the advanced mode by hitting the "t" key
  2. Hit the "/" key in order to start a search
  3. Type CXX_FLAGS
  4. Hit the ENTER key to start editing the flags
  5. add the following test: -g -O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
  6. Hit the ENTER key to exit editing
  7. Hit the "/" key in order to start a search
  8. Type C_FLAGS
  9. Hit the ENTER key to start editing the flags
  10. add the following test: -g -O0 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
  11. Hit the ENTER key to exit editing
  12. Hit the "c" key to configure
  13. Hit the "g" key to generate and quit