NA-MIC External Collaborations

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This section describes external collaborations with NA-MIC that are funded by NIH under the "Collaboration with NCBC" PAR. (Details for this funding mechanism are provided here).

PAR-05-063: R01EB005973 Automated FE Mesh Development: Shown here is a screenshot of a 630 node fingerbone mesh in the 3D view of slicer3. Separate colors are assigned to each hexahedral element according to the elements relative quality value (determined by its shape).
  • PAR-05-063: R01EB005973 Automated FE Mesh Development: This project is funded under an NCBC collaboration grant. The goal of this project is to integrate and expand methods to automate the development of specimen- / patient-specific finite element (FE) models into the NA-MIC toolkit. Research Principals are: Nicole Grosland, Vincent Magnotta, Steve Pieper, and Simon Warfield.

This section describes external collaborations with NA-MIC that are funded by other mechanisms:

  • PAR-05-057: BRAINS Morphology and Image Analysis: This project is not an NCBC collaboration grant, but instead a Continued Development and Maintenance of Software grant. The intent of this application is to update the BRAINS image analysis software developed at the University of Iowa. The collaborators include Vincent Magnotta, Hans Johnson, Jeremy Bockholt, and Nancy Andreasen.