NAMIC Wiki:Community IGT

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Home < NAMIC Wiki:Community IGT


The IGSTK Project is tightly coupled with VTK and ITK and uses the FLTK GUI package. The design is heavily statemachine based, with an emphasis on code correctness and testability.

The STB Platform from the CO-ME Consortium in Switzerland

The STB Project is based on ITK and Coin (an GPL'd version of OpenInventor) and uses Qt as the user interface system. The system also uses some VTK classes and other libraries. Because of the inclusion of GPL'd code, the platform itself is available through a GPL license.

Several OR-ready application modules have been developed and tested with the system, which emphasizes modularity and a clean design philosophy.

The project uses subversion, plus it uses the Trac system to provide an integrated source code repository, wiki, issue/bug tracking capability. Jens Kowal reports that this is a great tool. They also report good results with a make-replacement tool called Jam.

A module that may be of near-term use to the NA-MIC IGT group is the Tool Server that can be uses as a daemon or as a linked in library.

The Tool Server also includes drivers for the VectorVision Link protocol (described here). This TCP-based protocol, promoted by BrainLAB, makes use of VTK data structures and may be an important way to interoperate between various IGT systems.

IGT Open Navigation Efforts at BWH

These activities are currently summarized here.