Novel Hexahedral Meshing Algorithms

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Home < Novel Hexahedral Meshing Algorithms


  • Develop and integrate novel hexahedral meshing algorithms into the NA-MIC kit


  • Base projection algorithms have been developed and will be integrated into the toolkit. The algorithms have been implemented in KWWidgets in IaFeMesh to simplify integration into Slicer3.
  • The base code and algorithms have been brought into Slicer3 for integration within the GUI and MRML. Curt Lisle has been working on a this integration.
    1. The sort term goal is to get a single editable bounding box working within Slicer3 for the next release.
    2. Projection based morphing and mesh interpolation will be required.
    3. Include export to Abaqus format
  • Develop mapped meshing techniques that include an FE based solution using ITK that registers a template mesh with a subject specific surface.

'To Do:

  • Fully support all bounding box editing options
    1. Add
    2. Delete
    3. Split
    4. Merge
    5. Extrude
    6. Face manipulation
  • Extract mesh material properties from the images
  • Further evaluate and integrate the mapped mesh algorithms into Slicer3.

Key Investigators:

  • Iowa: Nicole Grosland, Vincent Magnotta, Kiran Shivanna, Curt Lisle, and Steve Pieper
