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This is the program of the SPL 25 anniversary event. For the invitation click here

Preliminary Program

Friday, April 8 5-7.30pm: Reception at Cabot Auditorium, Brigham and Women's Hospital, 45 Francis Street (aka 45 lobby)

Saturday, April 9: 9am-12noon: Symposium at Joseph P. Martin Center, Harvard Medical School

Tours of AMIGO, the embodiment of our dear mentor Ferenc Jolesz's vision for image-guided therapy, will be also available upon request.


SPL25 Registration (Eventbrite)

Abstract Guidelines

  • Please submit your abstracts for review here: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=spl25
  • 1 page (8.5 inch x 11 inch page, US letter size), submitted in acrobat pdf format, with 1 inch margins, maximum 6 lines per inch (single spaced in software such as MS Word), in size 11 Arial Font.
  • Abstract submissions should include Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), and five sections: Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusions, Funding Source(s), identified by bold headers.
  • Images in abstracts are encouraged.
  • The program committee will review all submissions and decisions will be communicated on a rolling basis beginning March 31, 2016.
  • Please do not submit material that is not ready for public dissemination.
  • All abstracts will be made available publicly on the SPL symposium website.


This is the draft version of the invitation

SPL 25th Anniversary Celebration

Dear Friends,

I am delighted to invite you, the alumni/ae and colleagues of the SPL, to participate in the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Surgical Planning Laboratory.

From humble beginnings in corners of unused spaces in the Radiology Department at Brigham and Women's Hospital, the SPL has evolved into a leading institution in medical image computing, both investigating novel technologies and using them for biomedical research. It has been my privilege to both lead and participate in many of these activities.

The unique strength of the SPL has always been the spirit and exceptional quality of its international community of investigators and partners, all working together to change the face of medicine. Many of you have carried this spirit beyond the SPL to wherever you are today.

Please join us for a celebratory symposium at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston on April 8 and 9, 2016.

Best Regards,

Ron Kikinis
