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Home < Slicer3:Downloads







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About Slicer3

Slicer3 is a project under active development. See the Status Page for more information on what the software does and the current status of product features. Release notes for Slicer3 are available here

As Slicer3 is changing on a daily basis, some features may not be implemented or will be in various stages of completion. Slicer2.6 is the current fully supported release of Slicer. For information about the current release of Slicer2.6, see Slicer2.6 Getting Started.

There are a couple different ways to obtain Slicer3 to run on your own computer. You can either download a precompiled Slicer3 installer for your platform, or build it yourself from a SVN checkout.

Obtaining a Precompiled Binary

Compiled Slicer3 executables are available here. From the Snapshots directory, select your architecture.

The current supported architectures are:

  • darwin-x86: Mac OSX - Darwin x86 Intel
  • darwin-ppc: Mac OSX - Darwin Power PC
  • linux-x86: Linux-x86 - Linux 32-bit
  • linux-x86_64: Linux-x86_64 - Linux 64-bit
  • win32: Windows

The Snapshots directory contains both Slicer2 and Slicer3 binaries. For the latest build, select the filename that begins with "Slicer3" and has the most recent date. These are beta builds, so you might find some bugs. If you do, or are having trouble installing Slicer3, please email so we can continue to improve Slicer3.

Installing on Mac OSX

The latest Mac OSX builds are tar.gz files. To install Slicer3, open up an X11 terminal window and copy the binary to the location where you want to install. Change the filename below to reflect the binary you downloaded. To unzip and untar the binary, type:

gunzip ./Slicer3-3.0.2007-01-10-Darwin-x86.tar.gz
tar -xvf ./Slicer3-3.0.2007-01-10-Darwin-x86.tar

To run Slicer3, cd into the Slicer3-3.0.2007-01-10/bin and type:


Installing on Linux

After downloading the file, move it to where you would like to install Slicer3, and then execute the .sh binary. To do this, simply do the following (replace the filename with the one you downloaded):


If the file doesn't execute, make sure that you have execute permission set. To add execute permission, type:

chmod a+x ./

Some shells have problems executing the script. If so, you might need to specify which shell you want to execute the script, e.g.:

/bin/sh ./

To run Slicer3, cd into the Slicer3-3.0.2007-01-08/bin and type:


Installing on Windows

After downloading the file, simply double-click on it to start the installation process. To uninstall Slicer3, double-click the Uninstall icon in the Slicer3 directory. To run Slicer, go to Start -> Program Files -> Slicer3-3.0.2007.xx-xx -> Slicer3

Build Slicer3 Yourself

If you would like to build Slicer3 yourself from an SVN checkout, you can find detailed instructions here.