Slicer3:Module:Rician Noise Removal

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Home < Slicer3:Module:Rician Noise Removal

Module Name

Rician Noise Removal in Diffusion Tensor MRI

Caption 1
Caption 2
Caption 3

General Information

Module Type & Category

Type: CLI

Category: Filtering DWI and tensors

Authors, Collaborators & Contact

  • Saurav Basu: University of Utah
  • Thomas Fletcher, University of Utah
  • Ross Withaker, University of Utah
  • Contact: Thomas Fletcher

Module Description

Rician noise introduces a bias into MRI measurements that can have a significant impact on the shapes and orientations of ten- sors in diffusion tensor magnetic resonance images. This is less of a problem in structural MRI, because this bias is signal dependent and it does not seriously impair tissue identification or clinical diagnoses. However, diffusion imaging is used extensively for quantitative evalua- tions, and the tensors used in those evaluations are biased in ways that depend on orientation and signal levels. This paper presents a strat- egy for filtering diffusion tensor magnetic resonance images that ad- dresses these issues. The method is a maximum a posteriori estima- tion technique that operates directly on the diffusion weighted images and accounts for the biases introduced by Rician noise. We account for Rician noise through a data likelihood term that is combined with a spatial smoothing prior. The method compares favorably with several other approaches from the literature, including methods that filter dif- fusion weighted imagery and those that operate directly on the diffusion tensors.


DWI filtering

Examples, Use Cases & Tutorials

USAGE:dwiFilter <arguments> Arguments: 1. Input File Name 2. Output File Name 3. NumIterations 4. Conductance 5. TimeStep 6. Filter Type : (Simple Aniso-0,Chi Squared-1,Rician-2,Gaussian-3) 7. Sigma for bias correction 8. Lamda (Rician Correction Term) 9. Lamda (Gaussian Correction Term)

Argument Description:

<Input File Name> Name of the DWI file to be filtered. For example <noisyDWI_10.nhdr> is a noisy DWI file provided in the data directory. It was generated by adding synthetic Rician noise with a sigma=10 to a cleanDWI.nhdr

<Output File Name> Name of the filtered DWI file. For example <filteredDWI.nhdr>

<NumIterations> Number of iterations you want to run the filter for.

<Conductance> The value of the conductance term in anisotropic diffusion filtering (Ex: 1.0) Note: Large Conductance will oversmooth the image It is important to tune the conductance to obtain best results.

<Filter Type>

  Can Take 3 values:
  0 means perform simple anisotropic diffusion
  1 means perform Chi-Squared smoothing (square the image and
  perform anisotropic diffusion and then subtract the variance
  of the noise, and take square root. (The square of a Rice 
  distribution is a Chi Squared distribution with known bias 
  equal to the variance of the noise)
  (Refer:Max Likelihood Est. of Rician Ditribution Parameters. 
  Sijbers et. al)
  2 means Perform Rician bias correction filtering.
  (Refer: Rician Noise Removal in DT-MRI.)
  3 is same as 2 except use a Gaussian Attachment Term .

<Sigma> Estimate of noise in the data. This can be done by squaring the airvoxels in the real data. The sum of square of all the intensities in the air region should equal 2*variance of the noise in the data. (Sijbers et. al)

<lamda1, lamda2> The weights for the Rician and Gaussian attachment terms.


dwiFilter ../data/noisyDWI_10.nhdr filteredDWI.nhdr 1 1.0 0.0625 2 10 100 0

Filters the noisyDWI_10.nhdr for 1 iteration with a conductance of 1.0 timeStep 0.0625 using Rician filtering with a Rician attachement term weight of 100. The estimate of noise in the input image is a sigma of 10 The filtered image is filteredDWI.nhdr.

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  • Link to any existing tutorials

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