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Isaiah Norton, Golby Lab, Department of Neurosurgery, Brigham & Women's Hospital

contact: inorton @bwh d-t harvard d0t edu

Slicer Notes

Things that aren't fleshed-out enough to go into Mantis, or if I can't fully reproduce yet, can't share the data right now, etc..


  • Can't load high-res MEMPRAGE MRI from MGH for AG case in Slicer3. workaround: loaded fine in slicer2, then saved as nrrd. DicomToNRRD also works.
  • CropVolume changes image intensity

Feature Wishes

  • Better transform handling in the reg meta-code: should sort out any hierarchies for cross-registration (ie, want to register to something that is already inside another transform)
  • Put models inside appropriate transform after generation
  • Editing volume inside of transform - don't want to have to move source volumes out of transform for every Editor use in a complex scene with transform hierarchies.
  • Slice intersections in 3D viewer, ie lines/gray/highlight/etc. at the intersection point (helps with depth perception). In Slicer3 this is only supported in 2d widgets.
  • intelligent fiducial picking: for example, jump to nearest local min/max in some search region (like spm)
  • option to load nrrd immediately after DicomToNrrd (cli need tweak to add post-handling options?)
  • dynamic (python) module reload
  • debug: to work around MRML scene-load crashes need either 1) cl debug option to output each tag as it is being processed, so that I know which node causes the crash or 2) load prompt for each node in the scene (like the Windows XP selective dll load)
  • snap window focus range to the full extent of the enclosed controls when a large collapsible widget is opened


  • Tract (hyperstreamline) intersection with MR planes (highlighted with color change, ring, etc.)
  • FiberBundle editing!!!
    • context menu on (eg) Ctrl-R click in 3D view to save tracts (could also be used for annotation functionality)
  • fiber bundle reduction filter: Large FiberBundle datasets can cause degraded performance of the 3d view. This could be potentially be mitigated by sparsifying or volumizing the FiberBundle in regions with high tract overlap (common) so that the rendering load is reduced.
