CTSC:MGHresources:Muscular Imaging Research Core

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The Musculoskeletal Imaging Research Core (MIRC) encompasses a wide array of imaging modalities and provides expertise in image acquisition, processing, display and data analysis.

We perform state-of-the-art imaging for body composition analysis, as well as high-resolution imaging of joints and soft tissues. The Muscular Imaging Research Core (MIRC) offers specialized imaging techniques including quantitative computed tomography (QCT), magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy of muscle and high-resolution soft tissue MR imaging. QCT is a technique widely employed for studies evaluating body composition and bone mineral density. MR spectroscopy is a technique that allows non-invasive quantification of metabolites in human tissues.


  • MRI

MR imaging techniques are available for researchers requiring high-resolution imaging of joints and soft tissues. Our staff provides expertise in design and implementation of imaging protocols, as well as close supervision during data acquisition. We can modify or develop MRI acquisition protocols in order to address your specific clinical endpoint.

  • MRS

Proton MRS allows non-invasive quantification of muscle metabolites, such as lipids, total creatine, and choline. Using this methodology, we are capable of differentiating and selectively measuring lipids located inside or in between muscle cells. This technique has been widely employed as a surrogate marker for insulin sensitivity in studies examining type 2 diabetics, obese and HIV-lipodystrophy patients. Our MRS data is acquired on GE or Siemens scanners at 1.5T or 3.0T field strengths, and is analyzed with validated softwares such as LCModel and jMRUI. We can modify or develop MRS acquisition protocols in order to address your specific clinical endpoint.

  • QCT

QCT is a powerful method for assessment of body composition and bone mineral density (BMD). We can modify or develop QCT protocols and measurement methodology in order to address your specific clinical endpoint.



4 General Electric Signa 1.5 Tesla scanners
2 Siemens Sonata 1.5 Tesla scanners
2 Siemens Trio 3.0 Tesla scanners

  • CT

5 General Electric Light Speed 16-slice MDCT scanners


To access the core, please contact Dr. Torriani at (617) 726-7717 or by email at mtorriani@partners.org. More information are available on the website