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  1. Update on imaging consultation requests (Dr Dodson, lingual nerve; Dr Freedman, imaging of inflammation; Dr Lahav, creation of neonatal-MRI team and Dr Rosenthal, perfusion imaging in collaboration with TIMC)
  2. Nomination of Jeffrey Yapp as Director of Education
  3. Update on XNAT-i2b2-PACS integration project
  4. Creation of tracking tool for consultation
  5. Reminder for 04/07 meeting, think about budget for fiscal Y02.

Harvard Translational Imaging Consortium Meeting Minutes March 30, 2009

In attendance:

  • Gordon Williams
  • Randy Gollub
  • Valerie Humblet
  • Bob Lenkinski
  • Simon Warfield
  • Yong Gao
  • Clare Tempany
  • Bruce Rosen
  • Ron Kikinis

1. Update on imaging consultation requests

  • Valerie gave an update on the ongoing consultation requests. All the investigators have been contacted by at least one imaging expert and the collaborative work is in process.

2. Nomination of Jeffrey Yapp as Director of Education

  • Jeff Yapp have been unanimously voted Director of Education for the Imaging Consortium. He will be the liaison with Catalyst Central.
  • The group agreed that there is an urgent need to build our education program.
    • The members attending the IRAT/CTSA workshop meeting