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Home < CTSC:TTIC.102709

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  1. Consultations: Imaging-45 (suborbital flight imaging) and Imaging-46 (evaluation of myelin formation in mice)
  2. Nov 16 - Drafts of Y3 budgets: personnel planning and justification due.
  3. Medical Imaging Education and Training (see updated section of wiki: http://www.na-mic.org/Wiki/index.php/Collaboration:Harvard_CTSC)
  4. Medical Imaging 101 course
  5. Catalyst Education Summit (12/1)
  6. ACRIN feedback ACRIN survey
  7. National CTSA education resource program (http://www.rochesterctsa.org/courses/)

In attendance:

  • Valerie Humblet
  • Jeff Yap
  • Gordon Harris
  • Ron Kikinis
  • Annick Van den Abbeele
  • Randy Gollub
  • Simon Warfield

1. Update on imaging consultation requests

  • The consortium invited Dr Erika Wagner to the t-con so she can give more details on her request for consultation (Imagin-45).
  • Simon and Valerie will take care of the request submitted by Dr Rosenberg from CHB (Imaging-46)

2. Nov 16 - Drafts of Y3 budgets: personnel planning and justification due

  • A draft of Y3 budget is due on Nov. 16. Randy asked all institutions to think about personnel planning.
