2011 Winter Project Week:DicomToNrrdRefactoring
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Home < 2011 Winter Project Week:DicomToNrrdRefactoring
Key Investigators
- UIowa: Hans Johnson, Mark Scully, Joy Matsui
- GE: Xiaodong Tao
Gather requirements in support of refactoring the DWI DicomToNrrdConverter.
Approach, Plan
Meet with anyone interested and establish a list of known requirements for DicomToNrrdConverter. Collectively brainstorm approaches to the refactoring, such as the use of GDCM 1.2 vs. GDCM 2.x vs. DCMTK. References:
Current DWI variations list:
- slice ordering (S->I vs I->S),
- transfer syntax endianness (big, little, and unknown),
- slice arrangement (mosaic vs split, slice interleaving vs volume interleaving),
- #B-Values (single vs multiple),
- gradient vector reference frame (LPS vs patient oblique),
- slice orientation (orthogonal vs oblique),
- multiple B0s (all at beginning, all at end, interspersed)
- vendor (different ways of storing diffusion information),
- software versions (changes in how diffusion information is stored and interpreted).