2012 Winter Project Week

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Please click here for Dates, Venue, and Registration for this event.


Please click here for the agenda for AHM 2012 and Project Week.


From January 9-13, 2012, the 14th project week for hands-on research and development activity in Neuroscience and Image-Guided Therapy applications will be hosted in Salt Lake City, Utah. Participant engage in open source programming using the NA-MIC Kit, algorithms, medical imaging sequence development, tracking experiments, and clinical applications. The main goal of this event is to further the translational research deliverables of the sponsoring centers (NA-MIC, NCIGT, NAC, Harvard Catalyst, and CIMIT) and their collaborators by identifying and solving programming problems during planned and ad hoc break-out sessions.

Active preparation for this conference begins with a kick-off teleconference. Invitations to this call are sent to members of the sponsoring communities, their collaborators, past attendees of the event, as well as any parties expressing an interest in working with these centers. The main goal of the initial teleconference is to gather information about which groups/projects would be active at the upcoming event to ensure that there were sufficient resources available to meet everyone's needs. Focused discussions about individual projects are conducted during several subsequent teleconferences and permits the hosts to finalize the project teams, consolidate any common components, and identify topics that should be discussed in break-out sessions. In the final days leading up to the meeting, all project teams are asked to complete a template page on the wiki describing the objectives and research plan for each project.

On the first day of the conference, each project team leader delivers a short presentation to introduce their topic and individual members of their team. These brief presentations serve to both familiarize other teams doing similar work about common problems or practical solutions, and to identify potential subsets of individuals who might benefit from collaborative work. For the remainder of the conference, about 50% time is devoted to break-out discussions on topics of common interest to particular subsets and 50% to hands-on project work. For hands-on project work, attendees are organized into 30-50 small teams comprised of 2-4 individuals with a mix of multi-disciplinary expertise. To facilitate this work, a large room is setup with ample work tables, internet connection, and power access. This enables each computer software development-based team to gather on a table with their individual laptops, connect to the internet, download their software and data, and work on specific projects. On the final day of the event, each project team summarizes their accomplishments in a closing presentation.

A summary of all past NA-MIC Project Events is available here.



  • Pelvic Registration (Mehdi Moradi UBC/BWH, Jan Egger, Andrey Fedorov)
  • iGyne (Jan Egger, Xiaojun Chen, Radhika Tibrewal, Mehdi Moradi)
  • OpenIGTLink interface for Slicer4(Junichi, Clif Burdette/Jack Blevins, Tamas Ungi, Andras Lasso)
  • Needle tracking (atushi yamada, radhika tibrewal, a needle navigation person)
  • Live ultrasound in Slicer4 using Plus and OpenIGTLink (Tamas Ungi, Elvis Chen)
  • 4D Ultrasound (Laurent, Noby)

Traumatic Brain Injury DBP

Predict Huntington's Disease DBP

Atrial fibrillation DBP

Head and Neck Cancer DBP

  • A patch-based approach to the segmentation of organs of risk (Christian Wachinger, Polina Golland)
  • RT dose comparison tool for Slicer 3. (Nadya Shusharina, Greg Sharp)

Radiation therapy

Musculoskeletal System


Shape Analysis

NA-MIC Kit Internals


  1. Please make sure that you are on the na-mic-project-week mailing list
  2. Starting Thursday, October 27th, part of the weekly Thursday 3pm NA-MIC Engineering TCON will be used to prepare for this meeting. The schedule for these preparatory calls is as follows:
    • October 27: MGH DBP
    • November 3: Iowa DBP Huntingtons, Engineering Infrastructure Topics
    • November 10: Utah Atrial Fibrillation DBP
    • November 17: UCLA TBI DBP
    • November 24: No call. thanksgiving.
    • December 1:
    • December 8:
    • December 15:Finalize Projects
    • January 5: Loose Ends
  3. By December 15: Complete a templated wiki page for your project. Please do not edit the template page itself, but create a new page for your project and cut-and-paste the text from this template page. If you have questions, please send an email to tkapur at bwh.harvard.edu.
  4. By December 15: Create a directory for each project on the NAMIC Sandbox (Zack)
    1. Ask Zack for a Sandbox account
    2. Commit on each sandbox directory the code examples/snippets that represent our first guesses of appropriate methods. (Luis and Steve will help with this, as needed)
    3. Gather test images in any of the Data sharing resources we have (e.g. MIDAS, xNAT). These ones don't have to be many. At least three different cases, so we can get an idea of the modality-specific characteristics of these images. Put the IDs of these data sets on the wiki page. (the participants must do this.)
    4. Setup nightly tests on a separate Dashboard, where we will run the methods that we are experimenting with. The test should post result images and computation time. (Zack)
  5. Please note that by the time we get to the project event, we should be trying to close off a project milestone rather than starting to work on one...