SPL people onboarding FAQ

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SPL procedures

Do I have a web page provided by SPL?

I need to do massive computation - are there any resources available to me?

How do I access Matlab?

Can I get a MS Office license?

Research resources

What are the commonly used tools for writing papers?

Mendeley, Paperpile, Google Docs, ...

Visa issues

I got a wrong status on entering the US, what should I do?

It is very important you are admitted at the proper status. You can try going to the Boston airport immigration services to try to correct the mistake.

I want to travel abroad from US while on visa and come back, is this ok?

Partners International office needs to be notified of your travel only if it is for more than 30 days. See travel tips at http://pips.partners.org/maintaining-visa-status/J-1-visa/travel.aspx

Life in Boston



Things to do