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Action Items (details below)
Harvard Translational Imaging Consortium Meeting Minutes July 15, 2008
In Attendance (by T-con):
- Clare Tempany, BWH
- Jeffery Yap
- Bruce Rosen, MGH
- Ann Schlesinger, CTSC Navigator
- Gorodon Williams
- Gorodon Harris
- Annick Van Den Abbeele
- Bob Lenkinski
- Zeke
- Stephan Voss
- Topics
Gordon Williams outlined 4 milestones for 9/1/08
- 1. Resources: must be populated by each site in this wiki.
- 2. Consultation: How do investigators access the program-the service plan must be available electronically in connect
- 3. Services: Determination of the servcices to be provided by the imaging core
- 4. Education program outline and deescription with dates of 3-4 events per year again posted on connect.
Budget discussion This was discussed by allafter an outlien -below- provided by Gordon W.
- 3 parts to budget as it now stands
- consultation servcie- expected to be provided through the funds already allocated int eh grant for the associated directors- allof us- at each site to provdie this servcie
- Need to determine how much help we can provicde after initial conslutation- with no $$ for scan time- befor einvestigators move to apply for CTSC pilot funds
- Pilot funds- how best to ptimize this opportunity- the "GW" bias-pilots with collaboative teams of a junior imaging invetigator paired with CTSC investigator -cross disiplinary will enhance likihood of success.
- There will be a CTSC study section- not yet inplace- they will review all pilot applications.
- Internal timetable to meet goals- proposed by the group that in next 2 weeks we try to achieve the resources, education and consultation goals
Updates to topics already underway
1. Consultation Service
2. Education Program
3. Collaborative response to Harvard wide Technology White Paper
4. Curation of Site resources
5. Regulatory Issues
6. Face to face meeting dates