AHM2006 ValidationWorkshop

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Home < AHM2006 ValidationWorkshop

Validation Workshop

Summmary : This event was successfully concluded. There were about 50 participants in the workshop representing NA-MIC as well as collaborating institutions.

Organizers: Jim Miller (GE Research), Ross Whitaker (Utah), David Tuch (MGH/HMS)

Date: Sunday January 8, 1-4:30pm

Overview: We will be holding a Validation Workshop in conjuction with the NAMIC 2006 AHM. The Validation Workshop will provide a forum to discuss state-of-the-art statistical methods and software engineering processes for validation. Validation will be defined broadly to include validation concepts/processes in software engineering, imaging, and statistics. An organizing theme will be identification of validation methods/concepts which can be applied across domains.


1:00-1:15pm: Introduction and Goals (Tuch)

1:15-1:30pm: Validation in Image Processing: Lessons and Pitfalls (Whitaker)

1:30-1:45pm: Validation of Automatic Brain Tissue Classifiers (Bouix)

1:45-2:00pm: Validation strategies for DTI analysis (Gerig)

2:00-2:15pm: Validation of evolving software? An end user point of view (Bouix)

2:30-3:00pm: Coffee Beak

3:00-3:15pm: Statistical validation in clinical group studies (Tuch)

3:15-3:30pm: Registration for longitudinal MR spectroscopy (Blezek)

3:30-3:45pm: A validation framework for brain tumor segmentation (Archip)

3:45-4:00pm: Validation of Bone Models using 3D Surface Scanning (Magnotta, Grossland)

4:00-4:30pm: Discussion/Challenges (All)

Confirmed Speakers:

  1. Jim Miller (GE Research)
  2. Ross Whitaker (Utah)
  3. David Tuch (MGH)
  4. Sylvain Bouix (BWH)
  5. Dan Blezek (GE Research)
  6. Neculai Archip (BWH)
  7. Vincent A. Magnotta (Iowa)
  8. Nicole Grosland (Iowa)
  9. Guido Gerig (UNC)
  10. Brendan Faherty (UCSD)
  11. Jeffrey Grethe (UCSD)