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- How to specify requirements?
- Is there something inbetween highly rigorous industrial practices and back of the envelope specifications?
- synchronization of code and requirements
- different scenarios, could be iterative process = no single requirement specification
- often need refinement
- ISO9000 lite
- see FDA requirements
- need method for reporting problems
- Should we collect and disseminate case studies?
- Workshop?
- record processes = best practices manual?
- sell the development process...
- How do we develop guidelines for validation?
- need mechanism to pool our results
- testing: gathing information, evaluation metrics
- case data costs money
- uniform methods/tools for gathering data (e.g., OpenTracker)
- see Nafis study for methodology for tracking validation - example of how to share methods?
- NEED consensus on how to evaluate "correctness"
- "Open Data", just like "Open Source" used to be?
- suggestion: when designing IRBs, try to broaden a little bit so that the results can be used more widely or more effectively.
- patient advocacy groups - mechanisms to make data available for patients to share if they wish,
- Do we need to develop better/additional hardware and software standards for IGT?
- let the software be the driver by using "open source", at least initially
- standards problem = no standards and too many standards simultaneously (standards, but not enough agreement) - this is probably not a research problem - where should it come from?
- e.g., motivation for APIs exist for trackers (due to demand of customer), but for others (e.g., interventional imaging systems) there is less motivation for the manufacturer.
- NIH play a role in funding industry to develop these standard interfaces (APIs?)
- portability of standards is important (e.g., explicit support of legacy systems)
- what is the value proposition for industry to invest into opening interfaces or developing standards?
- there will always be competing standards - it is up to the marketplace which will win - where is the marketplace located in our community?
- therapy is smaller niche than diagnostic, how to convince manufacturers of new methods
- work with imaging people who also need to open up interfaces for new diagnostic methods
- Chris Hasser: incentive to undustry - take advantage of resources, brain power that are being brought to bear by the research community - low cost and accelerated prototyping
- shouldn't underestimate amount of engineering required to produce stable API
- existing hooks exist in most vendor's equipment - until vendors agree on standards, community can contribute work to interface with these interfaces under research agreements,
- Guy Schechter (Philips): these things are understood
- need to take the lead and chrystallize the needs (leverage the power of the group)
- but real power is buying power? research community is often weak!
- critical mass (need to convince a few companies)
- standards may need to be narrow in their respective areas in order to be feasible (broad standards will take too much time, or not happen at all)
- Develop algorithm repositories?
- awareness - disseminate links to information about things like OpenTracker
- participants of this workshop should add these links on the workshop wiki
- perhaps recast: ask companies to permit us to provide a uniform interface, with having them be forced to comply with the interface.
- hardware knowledge repositories should also be considered,
- Open Source (1. freely available use) (2. distributed community of contributors)
- should we choose prototype applications to drive an open interaction?
- heirarchy of need - simple lab-based tests, versus complex assembly of many modules (IGT-lite and IGT-serious)
- evolutionary process of developing open collaborations
- PeterK - how about a forum for user evaluation and comments? (e.g., just like Amazon customer reviews)
- Insight Journal could host such discussions. Forum for discussion or review.
- what is the incentive for the review? danger in review bias.
- won't this just end up evolving into peer review?
- Insight Journal could host such discussions. Forum for discussion or review.
- This community could come together to write requirements to give to industry - agree on common elements of functionality.
- Larry Clarke: there is dialog between NIST and FDA on this topic
- FDA/legal/regulatory impact on opening access to machine
- Database of simulators (see work in the MRI neuro-imaging world)
- Is there some need for focused study section in this area?
- absence of reference standards for judging IGT research proposals
- the community is its own worst enemy - study section
- what role can NIH play?
- new study section?
- how many IGT proposals are actually going in.
- there is a coding for diseases, but not for technologies, so this is difficult to track. keywords? this group could help define these keywords.
- e.g., what should we call this community?
- goal for breakouts: identify keywords