2014 Project Week:Registration Evaluation
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Home < 2014 Project Week:Registration Evaluation
Key Investigators
- Princess Margaret Cancer Center: Kevin Wang
- Isomics: Steve Pieper
Project Description
- Currently the rigid registration in Slicer lacks the ability to interactively perform the registration. the project aims to develop some common set of features that are useful for across a wide range of workflow that will use rigid registration.
- Common layout set up.
- Common colortable set up.
- Common user interaction for translation and rotation.
- Common landmark based registration toolsets.
- Common image based registration toolsets.
Approach, Plan
- Discuss with Steve and others on how to integrate the existing layout/colortable/landmark management in the landgmark registration module.
- refactor the common set of features.
- use the new common set of features in MRgRT workflow.