AHM2006 ValidationWorkshop
Validation Workshop
Summmary : This event was successfully concluded. There were about 50 participants in the workshop representing NA-MIC as well as collaborating institutions.
Organizers: Jim Miller (GE Research), Ross Whitaker (Utah), David Tuch (MGH/HMS)
Date: Sunday January 8, 1-4:30pm
Overview: We will be holding a Validation Workshop in conjuction with the NAMIC 2006 AHM. The Validation Workshop will provide a forum to discuss state-of-the-art statistical methods and software engineering processes for validation. Validation will be defined broadly to include validation concepts/processes in software engineering, imaging, and statistics. An organizing theme will be identification of validation methods/concepts which can be applied across domains.
1:00-1:15pm: Introduction and Goals (Tuch)
1:15-1:30pm: Validation in Image Processing: Lessons and Pitfalls (Whitaker)
1:30-1:45pm: Validation of Automatic Brain Tissue Classifiers (Bouix)
1:45-2:00pm: Validation strategies for DTI analysis (Gerig)
2:00-2:15pm: Validation of evolving software? An end user point of view (Bouix)
2:30-3:00pm: Coffee Beak
3:00-3:15pm: Statistical validation in clinical group studies (Tuch)
3:15-3:30pm: Registration for longitudinal MR spectroscopy (Blezek)
3:30-3:45pm: A validation framework for brain tumor segmentation (Archip)
3:45-4:00pm: Validation of Bone Models using 3D Surface Scanning (Magnotta, Grossland)
4:00-4:30pm: Discussion/Challenges (All)
Confirmed Speakers:
- Jim Miller (GE Research)
- Ross Whitaker (Utah)
- David Tuch (MGH)
- Sylvain Bouix (BWH)
- Dan Blezek (GE Research)
- Neculai Archip (BWH)
- Vincent A. Magnotta (Iowa)
- Nicole Grosland (Iowa)
- Guido Gerig (UNC)
- Brendan Faherty (UCSD)
- Jeffrey Grethe (UCSD)