2005 AHM Planning: Mouse/Human Integration and future visions
Mouse/Human Integration and future visions
- Morphometry BIRN, possible participants: Randy Gollub
- Function BIRN, possible participants: Steven Potkin, Jim Fallon, Ron Kikinis, Steve Pieper, Sandy Wells
- Mouse BIRN, possible participants: Art Toga (overlap with Workflows group), Rob Williams, Jyl Boline
- BIRN CC, possible participants: Mark Ellisman
Possible areas of inquiry:
- What are the scientific questions that a combination of Mouse/Human BIRN effort can aid in answering?
- Identify a prototype project to lead this effort (e.g. SASHA for grid computing/multi-site analysis)
Notes from 8/4 discussion Notes from conference call 8.4.05 On the call: Mark Ellisman, Jim Fallon, Rob Williams, Randy Buckner and Joe Ames
Question on the table: What would be a productive framework for a 90 to 120 minute discussion at the All Hands Meeting on strategies for integrating Human and Mouse studies across all BIRN testbeds and the Coordinating Center?
One idea would be to have a panel with one slide max per person to guide comments on:
Mouse models: MS - the model and diagnostic multiscale histology - challenge/rationale is to push the microscopic MRI to see pathology and then correlate with underlying degeneration-neuron loss/dymyelination/ and link in rational manner to DTI signals from humans with MS. How to make link?
Alzheimer's - quick descripton of model and genetics - how does it progress? What are possible targets for correlated imaging in model and human mild cognitive impairment (MCI - is Morph BIRN focus). Are there treatment or preventative therapies for the MCI that might be tried with this mouse model? If so what would we be best thinking about imaging / measuring in the mice? What are the changes in expression? What are the GENSAT probes / data sets that correlate?
Parkinson's - same as Alz
HUMAN Testbeds: Same sort of thing - but pointing back to Mouse.
All very brief to get the discussion going. No more than 30 minutes of prepared 5 minute blitz-like one slide summaries. Can let discussion go during between 5 minute blasts or wait for all blasters to conplete - but open discussion with notes should be allowed 2x the time of the prepared remarks - with a moderator holding the blitz comments to the limits.
Goals might be set out on a white board or held in mind but should:
1- catalyze connections between specific researchers in the mouse and human testbeds 2- instigate focused work on informatics /ontology frameworks that will help link the model descriptions/database to the human degenerative disorder database, clinical progression/ genetics etc. 3- set clear 6 month and 1 year goals that are partnered between testbeds - where possible.
At the conclusion of the session we should have guided the discussion to have identified the scientific opportunities, the people who have accepted the tasks of working together and keeping momentum - understanding that they will be asked for brief reports at appropriate intervals?
Preliminary deliverables for this session
- Develop a cross-species anatomical and molecular onotology/homology map
- Determine possible parallels in mouse/human studies – considering options above.
- Determine possible partnerships - intra-BIRN and outside BIRN.
Next steps:
- Report on this meeting to the BIRN Executive Committee on 8/24. Determine next steps on framing the discussion.
- Need to decide who can lead the planning for this and facilitate the meeting on either Tuesday, 10/18 or Wednesday, 10/19.