2006 Scientific Report Timeline

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This section of the report gives the milestones for years 1 through 3 that are associated with the timelines in the original proposal. We have organized the milestones by core. For each milestone we have indicated the proposed year of completion and a very brief description of the current status. In some cases the milestones include ongoing work, and we have try to indicate that in the status. We have also included tables that list any significant changes to the proposed timelines. On the wiki page, we have links to the notes from the various PIs that give more details on their progress and the status of the milestones.

These tables demonstrate that the project is, on the whole, proceeding according to the originally planned schedule.

Core 1

Timelines and Milestones

Group Aim Milestone Proposed time of completion Status
MIT 1 Shape-based segmentation
MIT 1.1 Methods to learn shape representations Year 2 Completed
MIT 1.2 Shape in atlas-driven segmentation Year 4 Partially completed - preliminary results
MIT 1.3 Validate and refine approach Year 5 Partially completed - preliminary validation
MIT 2 Shape analysis
MIT 2.1 Methods to compute statistics of shapes Year 4 Partially completed -software framework
MIT 3 Analysis of DTI data
MIT 3.2 Fiber statistics Year 4 Partially completed --- tract clustering
Utah 1 Processing of DTI data
Utah 1.1 Filtering of DTI Year 2 Completed
Utah 1.2 Quantitative analysis of DTI Year 3 Completed partially, ongoing
Utah 1.3 Segmentation of cortex/WM Year 3 Completed partially, ongoing
Utah 2 Cortical surface analysis
Utah 2.1 Filtering and feature detection Year 3 Incomplete, ongoing.
Utah 3 Fast implementations PDEs Year 4 Incomplete, ongoing.
UNC 1 Statistical shape analysis
UNC 1.1 Comparative anal. of shape anal. schemes Year 2 Completed
UNC 1.3 Statistical shape analysis incl. patient variable Year 5 Completed
UNC 2 Structural analysis of DW-MRI
UNC 2.1 DTI tractography tools Year 4 Completed
UNC 2.2 Gometric characterization of fiber tracts Year 5 Completed
UNC 2.3 Quant. anal. of diffusion along fiber tracts Year 5 Completed
GaTech ITK Implementation of PDEs Year 2 Completed
GaTech Applications to Core 3 data Year 4 Results and ongoing
GaTech New statistic models Year 4 Completed --- preliminary results
MGH 1 Registration
MGH 1.1 Collect DTI/QBALL data Year 2 Completed
MGH 1.2 Develop registration method Year 2 Completed
MGH 1.3 Test/optimize registration method Year 3 In Progress
MGH 1.4 Apply registration on core 3 data Year 5 In Queue
MGH 2 Group DTI Statistics
MGH 2.1 Develop group statistic method Year 2 Completed
MGH 2.2 Apply on core 3 data Year 5 In Queue
MGH 3 Diffusion Segmentation
MGH 3.1 Collect DTI/QBALL data Year 2 Completed
MGH 3.2 Develop/optimize segmentation algorithm Year 3 Partially Completed
MGH 3.3 Integrate w/ tractography Year 4 Partially Completed
MGH 3.4 Apply on core 3 data Year 5 In Progress

Timeline Modifications

Group Aim Milestone Modification
MIT 2.4 Plan to develop software infrastructure to integrate shape analysis tools into the pipeline for population studies. New
MIT 4 Plans to for fMRI development including local and atlas-based priors for quantifying activation. New
Utah 2.2 Feature-based brain image registration. Shift emphasis to shape-based analysis/registration
UNC 1.2 Develop medially-based shape representation Remove
UNC 2.4 DTI Atlas Building (Years 2--4) New
GaTech Shape analysis New

Core 1 Timeline Notes

Core 2

Core 2 Timelines and Milestones

Group Aim Milestone Proposed time of completion Status
GE 1 Define software architecture
GE 1 Object design Yr 1 Completed
GE 1 Identify patterns Yr 3 On schedule, ongoing
GE 1 Create frameworks Yr 3 On schedule, ongoing
GE 2 Software engineering process
GE 2 Extreme programming Yr 1-5 On schedule, ongoing
GE 2 Process automatiion Yr 3 On schedule, ongoing
GE 2 Refactoring Yr 3 On schedule, ongoing
GE 3 Automated quality system
GE 3 DART deployment Yr 2 Complete
GE 3 Persistent testing system Yr 5 Incomplete
GE 3 Automatic defect detection Yr 5 Incomplete
Kitware 1 Cross-platform development
Kitware 1 Deploy environment (CMake, CTest) Yr 1 Complete
Kitware 1 DART Integration and testing Yr 1 Complete
Kitware 1 Documentation tools Yr 2 Complete
Kitware 2 Integration tools
Kitware 2 File Formats/IO facilities Yr 2 Complete (ongoing)
Kitware 2 CableSWIG deployment Yr 3 Complete (integration ongoing)
Kitware 2 Establish XML schema Yr 4 Incomplete
Kitware 3 Technology delivery
Kitware 3 Deploy applications Yr 1 Complete (ongoing)
Kitware 3 Establish plug-in repository Yr 2 Incomplete
Kitware 3 Cpack Yr 4-5 Incomplete
Isomics 1 NAMIC builds of slicer Years 2--5 Complete
Isomics 1 Schizophrenia and DBP intefaces Year 3---5 Partially completed, ongoing
Isomics 2 ITK Integration tools Year 1---3 Completed
Isomics 2 SLIPIE integration Year 2---4 Completed
Isomics 2 fMRI/DTI algorithm support Year 2---5 Completed DTI, fMRI Ongoing
Isomics 2 New DBP algorithm support Year 2---5 Ongoing
Isomics 3 Compatible build process Year 1---3 Completed
Isomics 3 Dart Integration Year 1---2 Completed, upgrades ongoing
Isomics 3 Test scripts for new code Year 2---5 Ongoing
UCSD 1 Grid computing---base Year 1 Completed
UCSD 1 Grid enabled algorithms Year 3 Ongoing
UCSD 1 Testing infrastructure Year 4 Initiated
UCSD 2 Data grid --- compatibility Year 2 Completed
UCSD 2 Data grid --- slicer access Year 2 In progress
UCSD 3 Data mediation --- deploy Year 1 Incomplete (modfication below)
UCLA 1 Debabeler functionality Year 1 Continued Progress
UCLA 2 SLIPIE Interpretation (Layer 1) Year 1--Year2 In Progress
UCLA 3 SLIPIE Interpretation (Layer 2) Year 1--Year2 On Schedule
UCLA 3 Developing ITK Modules Year2 In Progress
UCLA 4 Integrating SRB (GSI-enabled) Year2 Completed
UCLA 5 Integrating IDA Year2 Completed
UCLA 5 Integrating External Visualization Applications Year2 Completed

Core 2 Timeline Modifications

Group Aim Milestone Modification
Isomics 3 Data mediation Delayed pending integration of databases into NAMIC infractructure

Core 2 Timeline Notes

Core 3

The Core 3 projects submitted R01 style proposals, as specified in the RFA, and did not submit timelines.

Core 4

Core 4 Timelines and Milestones

Group Aim Milestone Proposed time of completion Status
Kitware 1 Implement Development Farms
Kitware 1 Deploy platforms Yrs 1 Complete
Kitware 1 Communications Yrs 1 Complete, ongoing
Kitware 2 Establish software process
Kitware 2 Secure developer database Yr 1 Complete, ongoing
Kitware 2 Collect guidelines Yr 1 Complete
Kitware 2 Manage software submission process Yr 1 Complete
Kitware 2 Configure process tools Yr 1 Complete
Kitware 2 Survey community Yr 1 Complete
Kitware 3 Deploy NAMIC Tools
Kitware 3 Toolkits Yr 1 Complete
Kitware 3 Integration tools Yr 1 Complete
Kitware 3 Applications Yr 1 Complete
Kitware 3 Integrate new computing resources Yr 1 Complete
Kitware 4 Provide support
Kitware 4 Esablish support infrastructure Yrs 1--5 On schedule, ongoing
Kitware 4 NAMIC support Yr 1 Complete
Kitware 5 Manage NAMIC Software Releases Yrs 1--5 On schedule, ongoing

Core 4 Timeline Modifications

Group Aim Milestone Modification
Kitware 2-5 Various Refined/modified the sub aims

Core 4 Timeline Notes

Core 5

Core 5 Timelines and Milestones

Group Aim Milestone Proposed time of completion Status
Harvard 1 Formal Training Guidllines
Harvard 1 Functional neuroanatomy Yr 1 Complete
Harvard 1 Clinical correlations Yr 1 Complete
Harvard 2 Mentoring
Harvard 2 Programming workshops Yrs 1-5 On schedule, ongoing
Harvard 2 One-on-one mentoring, Cores 1, 2, 3 Yrs 1-5 On schedule, ongoing
Harvard 3 Collaborative work environment
Harvard 3 Wiki Yrs 1 Complete
Harvard 3 Mailing lists Yrs 1 Complete
Harvard 3 Regular telephone conferences Yrs 1-5 On schedule, ongoing
Harvard 4 Educational component for tools
Harvard 4 Slicer training modules Yr 3 Complete
Harvard 5 Demonstrations and hands-on training
Harvard 5 Various workshops and conference Yrs 1--5 On schedule, ongoing (see also link)

Core 5 Timeline Modifications


Core 5 Timeline Notes

Core 6

Core 6 Timelines and Milestones

Group Aim Milestone Proposed time of completion Status
Isomics 1 Create a collaboration metholdology for NA-MIC
Isomics 1.1 develop a selection process Yr 1 Done
Isomics 1.2 guidelines to govern the collaborations Yr 1-2 Done
Isomics 1.3 Provide on-site training Yr 1-5 On Schedule
Isomics 1.4 develop a web site infrastructure Yr 1 Done
Isomics 2 Facilitate communication between NA-MIC developers and wider research community
Isomics 2.1 develop materials describing NAMIC technology Yr 1-5 On Schedule
Isomics 2.2 participate in scientific meetings Yr 2-5 On Schedule
Isomics 2.3 Document interactions with external researchers Yr 2-5 On Schedule
Isomics 2.4 Coordinate publication strategies Yr 3-5 On track
Isomics 3 Develop a publicly accessible internet resource of data, software, documentation, and publication of new discoveries
Isomics 3.1 On-line repository of NAMIC related publications and presentations Yr 1-2-3 On Schedule
Isomics 3.2 On-line repository of NAMIC tutorial and training material Yr 1-5 On Schedule
Isomics 3.3 Index and a searchable database Yr 1-2 Done
Isomics 3.4 Automated feedback systems that track software downloads Yr 3 On track

Core 6 Timeline Modifications

Core 6 Timeline Notes