2008 July RFA Experiment Georgetown

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Home < 2008 July RFA Experiment Georgetown

Date: July 30 - August 1, 2008

Location: Imaging Science and Information Systems (ISIS) Center, Department of Radiology, Georgetown University Medical Center, 2115 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 603, Washington, DC, 20007


  • Noby Hata (BWH)
  • Haiying Liu (BWH)
  • Enrique Campos-Nanez (GWU)
  • Teo Popa (GU)
  • Patrick Cheng (GU)
  • Emmanuel Wilson (GU)
  • Sebastian Ordas (GU)
  • Kevin Cleary (GU)
  • Filip Banovac (GU)
  • Ziv Yaniv (GU)


  • Do RFA phantom experiment on 07/30 (will start around 5pm if all goes well).
  • Work on the IGSTK/OpenIGTLink/Slicer interface for sending the transforms so that a working example may be built that sends transforms from IGSTK to Slicer and that this program is configurable, supporting all of the IGSTK trackers.
  • Hammer out the details of how to communicate a segmentation performed in slicer to the path planning component and then upload the plan back to Slicer.
  • It would be nice to create stubs that allow us to go through the whole workflow in Slicer so that we have an initial module into which the actual content can be added later.

Equipment for Experiment

  1. Navigation, segmentation, and data translation software between segmentation and Enrique's input format.
  2. George phantom, liver phantom (inside George), bird seed, pump, fiducials.
  3. Aurora tracking system with four SIU's and needles.
  4. Path planning, optimization software.
  5. Computers to run segmentation, navigation, pump and optimization (Enrique's computer).

Experiment protocol

  1. Place fiducial's on George, attach pump and start breathing.
  2. Stop breathing, acquire CBCT scan.
  3. Transfer scan to navigation/segmentation computer and have Fil segment it.
  4. Translate resulting segmentation to input format for optimization (Teo).
  5. Perform optimization (Enrique).
  6. Transfer plan to navigation station.
  7. Start George breathing and register.
  8. Fil navigates to the prescribed locations according to plan.
  9. Optional: After each needle positioning, stop George's breathing and acquire a CBCT scan with needle in place. After the fact register the regions of interest to the planning CBCT and compute the distances between the planned needle location and the actual location.


  1. RFA phantom experiment with IGSTK navigation system has been successfully completed.
  2. Future work has been planned for next year.