2009 Winter Project Week Command Line Program Testing
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Key Investigators
- Bill Lorensen (His Basement)
There is NA-MIC funded infrastructure in place to regression test the command line programs found in Applications/CLI. Surprisingly, of the over 50 command line programs in the current Slicer3 distribution, only 11 have tests. This project will illustrate the importance of testing and show how easy it is to create tests for command line programs using the existing infrastructure. The project will document the process, create tests and help others to create tests.
Approach, Plan
Using the existing infrastructure, the project will create regression tests for many of the existing command line programs in Applications/CLI. The project will provide expert assistance to those who feel that creating a test is difficult. A Wiki page will provide step-by-step procedures to test the command line programs.
There is really no excuse for the lack of testing in Applications/CLI. The infrastructure that has been in place for a few years makes it almost painless to test command line programs. Better documentation and peer pressure will help improve the situation.
Tests have been created for all of the command line programs in Applications/CLI (not including sub directories). Three types of tests exist:
- --help tests just run the command line program with the --help flag. These tests are as basic as a test can be. All they really test is whether or not the command line program can build, link and report help.
- Smoke tests run the program put do not check the results of the program. These are one step above the --help tests and should be the minimum test for each program.
- Regression tests run the program and compare the resulting output with a baseline output. Currently only image regression testing is available. Each command line program that produces an image should have a regression test.
Documentation: Slicer3 Execution Model Testing
Starting (current) status:
- 5 (20) regression tests
- 3 (9) smoke tests
- 30 (9) with no tests
During Project Week, I'll work with those folks responsible for programs whose status is untested.
The table shows each command line program and its testing status. Under Test Type, the item in parentheses is a test that has been added as part of this project. Even the untested programs have at a minimum test that runs the program with --help. We still consider these programs untested since every CLP program responds to --help. However, at least these test programs can link and run.
Program | Test Type | Command Line |
Add |
Regression |
${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxial.nhdr ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxial.nhdr ${TEMP}/AddTest.nhdr |
AffineRegistration |
None (--help) |
BSplineDeformableRegistration |
Smoke |
--resampledmovingfilename ${TEMP}/BSplineDeformableRegistrationTest00.nhdr --outputtransform ${TEMP}/BSplineDeformableRegistrationTest00Transform.txt --default 0 --maximumDeformation 1.0 --constrain --spatialsamples 10000 --histogrambins 32 --gridSize 5 --iterations 50 ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxial.nhdr ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxial.nhdr |
CheckerBoard |
Regression |
--checkerPattern 5,3,2 ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxial.nhdr ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxialDoubled.nhdr ${TEMP}/CheckerBoardTest.nhdr |
ConfidenceConnected |
None (Regression) |
--smoothingIterations 1 --timestep 0.0625 --iterations 5 --multiplier 2.5 --neighborhood 1 --labelvalue 2 --seed 9.71622,-8.1,14.2189 --seed -12.9459,-8.1,18.577 ${TEST_DATA}/MRHeadResampled.nhdr ${TEMP}/ConfidenceConnectedTest.nhdr |
CurvatureAnisotropicDiffusion |
None (Regression) |
--conductance 2 --timeStep 0.0625 --iterations 2 ${TEST_DATA}/MRHeadResampled.nhdr ${TEMP}/CurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionTest.nhdr |
DicomToNrrdConverter |
None (Smoke) |
${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxialDicom ${TEMP} CTHeadAxialFromDicom.nhdr |
DiffusionTensorEstimation |
None (Smoke) |
--otsuomegathreshold 0.5 ${MRML_TEST_DATA}/helix-DWI.nhdr ${TEMP}/DiffusionTensorEstimationTest_dti.nhdr ${TEMP}/DiffusionTensorEstimationTest_baseline.nhdr ${TEMP}/DiffusionTensorEstimationTest_otsu.nhdr |
DiffusionTensorMathematics |
None (Smoke) |
--enumeration FractionalAnisotropy ${MRML_TEST_DATA}/helix-DWI.nhdr ${TEMP}/DiffusionTensorMathematicsTest.nhdr |
DiffusionTensorTest |
None (--help) |
DiffusionWeightedTest |
None (--help) |
DWIDicomLoad |
None (--help) |
ExecutionModelTour |
None (Smoke) |
--integer 30 --double 30 -f 1.3,2,-14 --string_vector foo,bar,foobar --enumeration Bill --boolean1 --transform1 ${TEST_DATA}/ExecutionModelTourTest.mrml\#vtkMRMLLinearTransformNode1 --transform2 ${TEST_DATA}/ExecutionModelTourTest.mrml\#vtkMRMLLinearTransformNode2 ${TEST_DATA}/MRHeadResampled.nhdr ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxial.nhdr |
FreesurferSurfaceSectionExtraction |
None (--help) |
GaussianBlurImageFilter |
Regression |
--sigma 2.5 ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxial.nhdr ${TEMP}/GaussianBlurImageFilterTest.nhdr |
GradientAnisotropicDiffusion |
None (Regression) |
--conductance 2 --timeStep 0.0625 --iterations 2 ${TEST_DATA}/MRHeadResampled.nhdr ${TEMP}/GradientAnisotropicDiffusionTest.nhdr |
GrayscaleFillHoleImageFilter |
None (Regression) |
${TEST_DATA}/MRHeadResampled.nhdr ${TEMP}/GrayscaleFillHoleTest.nhdr |
GrayscaleGrindPeakImageFilter |
None (Regression) |
${TEST_DATA}/MRHeadResampled.nhdr ${TEMP}/GrayscaleGrindPeakTest.nhdr |
GrayscaleModelMaker |
None (Smoke) |
--threshold 300 --name CTFace --smooth 15 --decimate 0.95 --splitnormals --pointnormals ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxial.nhdr ${TEMP}GrayscaleModelMakerTest.vtp |
HistogramMatching |
None (Regression) |
--numberOfHistogramLevels 64 --numberOfMatchPoints 10 ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxial.nhdr ${TEST_DATA}/MRHeadResampled.nhdr |
ImageLabelCombine |
None (--help) |
ImageReadDicomWrite |
None (Regression) |
--patientName Austrialian --patientID 8775070 --patientComments "A volunteer" --studyID 123456 --studyDate 20090102 --studyComments Resampled --studyDescription None --modality CT --manufacturer "GE Medical Systems" --model CT8800 --seriesNumber 123456 --seriesDescription None --dicomDirectory ${TEMP} --dicomPrefix CTHeadAxialDicom ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxial.nhdr |
LabelMapSmoothing |
None (Regression) |
--labelToSmooth 1 --numberOfIterations 50 --maxRMSError 0.01 --gaussianSigma 3 ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadResampledOtsuSegmented.nhdr ${TEMP}/LabelMapSmoothingTest.nhdr |
LinearRegistration |
Smoke |
--resampledmovingfilename ${TEMP}/LinearRegistrationTest00.nhdr --outputtransform ${TEMP}/LinearRegistrationTest00Transform.txt --initialtransform ${TEST_DATA}/itkAffineTransform00.txt --spatialsamples 10000 --histogrambins 32 --iterations 50 --learningrate 0.01 --translationscale 100 ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxial.nhdr ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxial.nhdr |
MedianImageFilter |
Regression |
--neighborhood 1,2,3 ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxial.nhdr ${TEMP}/MedianImageFilterTest.nhdr |
ModelMaker |
None (Smoke) |
--labels 2 --modelSceneFile ${TEMP}/ModelMakerTest.mrml\#vtkMRMLModelHierarchyNode1 ${MRML_TEST_DATA}/helix-roi-lable2.nrrd |
MultipleModelsExample |
None (--help) |
OrientImage |
Regression |
--orientation Axial ${MRML_DATA}/fixed.nrrd ${TEMP}/OrientImageTestAxial.nrrd --orientation Coronal ${MRML_DATA}/fixed.nrrd ${TEMP}/OrientImageTestCoronal.nrrd --orientation Sagittal ${MRML_DATA}/fixed.nrrd ${TEMP}/OrientImageTestSagittal.nrrd |
OtsuThresholdImageFilter |
None (Regression) |
--insideValue 0 --outsideValue 255 --numberOfBins 128 ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadResampled.nhdr ${TEMP}/OtsuThresholdImageFilterTest.nhdr |
OtsuThresholdSegmentation |
None (Regression) |
--brightObjects --numberOfBins 128 --faceConnected --minimumObjectSize 1000 ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadResampled.nhdr ${TEMP}/OtsuThresholdSegmentationTest.nhdr |
ProbeVolumeWithModel |
None (--help) |
ResampleVolume2 |
None (Regression) |
--Reference ${TEST_DATA}/MRHeadResampled.nhdr --number_of_thread 0 --transform_matrix 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0 --transform rt --space LPS --interpolation linear --window_function c --spline_order 3 --spacing 0,0,0 --size 0,0,0 --direction_matrix 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ${TEST_DATA}/MRHeadResampled.nhdr ${TEMP}/ResampleVolume2Test.nhdr |
ResampleVolume |
None (Regression) |
--spacing 5,5,5 --interpolation linear ${TEST_DATA}/MRHeadResampled.nhdr ${TEMP}/ResampleVolumeTest.nhdr |
RigidRegistration |
None (--help) |
Subtract |
None (Regression) |
${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxial.nhdr ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxialDoubled.nhdr ${TEMP}/SubtractTest.nhdr |
TestGridTransformRegistration |
Smoke |
--gridSize 5 --outputtransform ${TEMP}/TestGridTransformRegistrationTest00Transform.txt ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxial.nhdr ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadAxial.nhdr |
VotingBinaryHoleFillingImageFilter |
None (Regression) |
--radius 3,3,3 --majorityThreshold 1 --background 0 --foreground 1 ${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadResampledOtsuSegmented.nhdr ${TEMP}/VotingBinaryHoleFillingImageFilterTest.nhdr |
ZeroCrossingBasedEdgeDetectionImageFilter |
None (Regression) |
${TEST_DATA}/CTHeadResampled.nhdr ${TEMP}/ZeroCrossingBasedEdgeDetectionImageFilterTest.nhdr |