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Home < 2010-Sato-talk

SNR Laboratory research retreat


  1. Location: One Brigham Circle / The Ledge
  2. Room/Space: Ledge room 4-002G


NEDO grant review (close to public)

  • 9:00am: Welcome: Noby Hata
  • 9:01am: SNR Laboratory research overview, with focus on activity around NEDO fund
  • 9:30am: OpenIGTLink, Junichi Tokuda
  • 10:10am: Comments and Suggestion by Dr. Yoshi Sato

Open research retreat (open to public)

  • 10:30am: Nano-particle: Panagiotis Vartholomeos
  • 11:00am: Image guided surgical procedures, navigation for laparoscopic ultrasound: Balazs Lengyel
  • 11:30am: Optimal Transseptal Puncture Location for Cardiac Ablation: Jayender Jagadeesan

Dr. Yoshi Sato's Talk

  1. Time: Noon-12:45pm, Tuesday, August 10
  2. Location: One Brigham Circle / The Ledge
  3. Room/Space: Ledge room 4-002G
  4. Hosted by: Nobuhiko Hata, PhD, Surgical Robotics and Navigation Laboratory, Brigham and Women's Hospital, (www.snrlab.org), NCIGT (www.ncigt.org), NA-MIC (www.na-mic.org)
  5. BYOL Bring your own lunch :-)

Title: Intraoperative Recovery of Organ Motion and Deformation for Endoscopic Surgical Navigation Speaker: Prof. Yoshinobu Sato

Associate Professor Image Analysis Group Division of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Department of Radiology Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine E-mail: yoshi(at)image.med.osaka-u.ac.jp http://www.image.med.osaka-u.ac.jp/member/yoshi/

Abstract: An important issue in clinical applications of endoscopic surgical navigation for the thoracic and abdominal organs is organ motion and deformation during surgery as well as between pre- and intraoperative patient postures. In this talk, we describe our recent efforts to address this issue from the three aspects; (1) intraoperative motion data acquisition using intra-body magnetic trackers and laparoscopic 3D ultrasound systems, (2) intraoperative deformation estimation by combining pre- and intra-operative data, and (3) intraoperative deformation prediction using anatomical prior information, that is, atlas-based approach. In addition to in vitro and in vivo animal experiments, clinical tests are demonstrated for thoracoscopic lung cancer resection and urology applications.

Speaker Profile: Dr. Yoshinobu Sato (yoshi@image.med.osaka-u.ac.jp) was born in Kobe, Japan in 1960. He received his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D degrees in Information and Computer Sciences from Osaka University, Japan in 1982, 1984, 1988 respectively. From 1988 to 1992, he was a Research Engineer at the NTT Human Interface Laboratories. In 1992, he joined the Division of Functional Diagnostic Imagingof Osaka University Medical School as a faculty member. From 1996 to 1997, he was a Research Fellow in the Surgical Planning Laboratory, Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital. He is currently an Associate Professor at Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine and an Adjunct Associate Professor at Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,Osaka University , where he leads a group conducting research on 3-D image analysis and surgical navigation systems in the Division of Functional Diagnostic Imaging.