2010 Winter Project Week SegmentationWizard

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Home < 2010 Winter Project Week SegmentationWizard

Key Investigators

  • MRN: Jeremy Bockholt, Mark Scully
  • BWN: Steve Pieper


To implement a high level wizard that performs all necessary pre-processing steps and then segments lesion images.

Approach, Plan

1. Verify that all required sub-modules are production ready.

2. Diagram all possible branches with requirements.

3. Use QT to create the UI and tie all relevant modules together.


Prior to the meeting:

1. Identified a number of modules to incorporate assuming they are production ready (SkullStripping, BiasCorrection, ProbabilisticBiasCorrection, RegisterImages, BrainsConstellation, etc).

2. Implemented a number of other modules that were needed but didn't yet exist (JointIntensityStandardization, LupusLesionSegmenter)

At the meeting:

1. Met with individuals responsible for relevant modules and identified potential issues.

2. Met with Steve Pieper on using QT for the wizard

3. Worked with Hans to adapt his BRAINSABC tool to work on our data. This accomplishes most of our preprocessing needs.

4. Started implementing the wizard in QT.
