2011 Summer Project Week WMGeometry Slicer4

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Home < 2011 Summer Project Week WMGeometry Slicer4

Key Investigators

  • Brigham and Women's Hospital: Peter Savadjiev


The objective is to take an existing Slicer3 python module for computing the white matter geometry measures of Savadjiev et al. (2010) (see this past project from project week 2009), and make it part of the new diffusion module of Slicer 4.

Approach, Plan

Interface the extisting Python implementation with Slicer4, with help from other attendees familiar with Slicer4.



  • P. Savadjiev, G. L. Kindlmann, S. Bouix, M. E. Shenton, C.-F. Westin. White matter geometry from diffusion tensor gradients. NeuroImage 49, 3175-3186 (2010).