2012 Summer Project Week:4D Ultrasound Slicer4

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Home < 2012 Summer Project Week:4D Ultrasound Slicer4

4D Ultrasound video

Key Investigators

  • BWH: Laurent Chauvin, Nobuhiko Hata


Develop a 4D Ultrasound on Slicer4, using Volume Rendering, timestamping and clock synchronization, multi-volumes container.

Approach, Plan

Plan for this week will be to implement clock synchronization with protocol IEEE 1588 to synchronize data and 4D images. Also try to increase 4D speed.


Attended breakout session. Interested in OpenCL integration on Slicer4 (Steve) and CUDA optimizations for Volume Rendering.

Still need to implement clock synchronization protocol.

Delivery Mechanism

This work will be delivered to the NA-MIC Kit as a (please select the appropriate options by noting YES against them below)

  1. ITK Module
  2. Slicer Module
    1. Built-in YES
    2. Extension -- commandline
    3. Extension -- loadable
  3. Other (Please specify)
