2012 Summer Project Week:BK-PLUS Integration

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Home < 2012 Summer Project Week:BK-PLUS Integration

Key Investigators

  • Queen's: Andras Lasso
  • BWH: Andriy Fedorov, Isaiah Norton


Make live ultrasound images acquired by a BK ProFocus scanner in the AMIGO suite at BWH available in 3D Slicer.

Approach, Plan

Create a new video source class in the PLUS toolkit that receives the data from the scanner. PLUS can stream the live data through OpenIGTLink to Slicer. Preparation and initial testing before and during the project week. Extensive testing and tuning in the AMIGO suite on Saturday.


New interface class created in PLUS that can receive the RF data and do basic B-mode conversion through a CameraLink framegrabber (any DALSA card with Sapera SDK). Initial testing in AMIGO has been completed, several minor problems has been resolved, a few remaining ones will be addressed in the coming days. Image acquisition with the Epiphan VGA2USB LR framegrabber at 64-bit has been tested successfully.

Delivery Mechanism

Integrating new features in PLUS and SlicerIGT extensions.

Detailed Plan

During the project week:

  • Add user option to record B-mode or RF-mode image
  • Tentative: get displayed image data through the TCP/IP research interface. Need to apply a fix to Grabbie (Isaiah knows the details). Need to extend the BK interface class or create a new one. => Isaiah need to test the frame rate first
  • Tentative: Try PLUS with the Black Magic Design HD capture card
  • Tentative: scan conversion from RF-mode (currently only intensities are converted, but the scanlines are not mapped to physical space). Algorithm may be available in Grabbie or could ask Mehdi, or implement a new one.

In the AMIGO suite:

  • Test frame size, decimation, and orientation in vtkBkProFocusVideoSource and PlusBkProFocusReceiver
  • Fix image display in vtkBkProFocusVideoSourceTest
  • Tentative: perform temporal and spatial calibration with the BK and an Ascension 3DGm in AMIGO (needs B-mode image, either using the TCP/IP interface or a VGA framegrabber)
