2013 Summer Project Week Breakout Session:RT
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Patient Hierarchy
- Briefly present already implemented features and internals (Csaba, ppt)
- Discuss integration into Slicer core
- Name of the module and the common classes (SubjectHierarchy?)
- Propose SubjectHierarchy name to Ron
- What and how to generalize from SlicerRT's Patient Hierarchy
- Explore other use cases for SubjectHierarchy (Reporting/SR, Longitudinal (such as Andrey's PET/CT))
- Make sure there are no conflicts with other hierarchies (Time, etc.)
- Minimize the duplication between DICOM DB tags and PatientHierarchy attributes
- Exceptions: Modality, ?
- Suggested tasks according to loaded data, even set toolbar icons
- CLI improvements (project page)
- Support other module types: qMRMLNodeComboBox level, add to hierarchy when creating new node
- Future ideas
- Greyed-out entries from remote DICOM DB objects
- Name of the module and the common classes (SubjectHierarchy?)
Handling deformable transforms
- Meeting minutes of the Monday meeting about this
- Transforms are generally ITK objects, utilize the ITK algorithms directly?
- Invertable transforms: if non-invertable, then estimate, e.g. by converting BSpline to deformation field
- Create a roadmap so that work can start on this
- Later
- Dicom Spatial Registration Objects (SRO), Greg needs both rigid & deformable
- Registration results stored in DICOM, part of the standard
- Matrices and vector fields (possibly no BSpline)
- Implement importing these objects (in a new import plugin)
New DICOM browser
- Plan for integrating it into CTK trunk, Screenshots
- Have a superset of columns for the visualizing tables, and then define a subset on the user level
- Roadmap for accommodating those changes Slicer core
- Push as much as possible to the CTK level (selection in the tree etc.)
- Possible project for the London hackfest
DICOM export
- Vocabulary: Import / Export, Load / Save
- Location
- DICOM browser?
- Patient Hierarchy?
- Handling private tags
- Commercial systems can (should) be expected to load RT data without any private tags
- Test re-loading back to Slicer, compare all tags except for UIDs
- Dose calculation engine
- Display grid for LDR
- Pre-plan for safety, but also
- Incremental re-planning according to placed seeds
- Tracking seeds for HDR
- Exporting contours from Slicer4
- Use ultrasound (masquarading as CT) for Oncentra planning for gyn