2014 Project Week:GraphCutsLASegmentationModule

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Home < 2014 Project Week:GraphCutsLASegmentationModule

Key Investigators

Gopalkrishna Veni (SCI Institute, University of Utah)

Salma Bengali (CARMA center, University of Utah)

Josh Cates (CARMA center, University of Utah)

Rob Macleod (CARMA center, SCI Institute, University of Utah)

Ross Whitaker(SCI Institute, University of Utah)

LAsegment GraphCut.png

Project Description


  • Develop a Slicer module that automatically segments the left atrial wall from a given LGE-MRI image.

Approach, Plan

  • Involves Bayesian formulation with Markov random field prior within a nested-layer 3D mesh which leads to surface-net problem [Veni et al, IPMI 2013].
  • Solved by using VCEnet strategy and graph-cuts [Wu and Chen, 2002].
  • Uses training strategy in order to generate model shapes as well as to compute costs at each mesh point.
