AHM 2006:ClusterResources

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Home < AHM 2006:ClusterResources

Cluster Computing Resource: namic-srb.nbirn.net

A 32 node Compute Cluster has been made available to the NAMIC community during the Programmer's Week. Under Condor this allows for 64 available processors. We have set up a 'submit node' where you can log in and run jobs from. It is also possible to access data from the Birn Data Grid (SRB) for computational use, utilizing the proxy delegation method (i.e. you can delegate a user proxy to condor which will then delegate the proxy to the selected computational resources which will then be able to interact directly with the Data Grid). To obtain an account, please contact either Brendan Faherty or Jeff Grethe during the Programmer's Week. Once you have a standard Unix account, you will SSH to the 'submit node' namic-srb.nbirn.net

Details of Job Submission

[bfaherty@namic-srb.nbirn.net] gi-init

usage: gi-init -vd -u USE_CASE -p PROJECT -i INPUT -f CONFIG_FILE

 -v             VERBOSE FLAG
 -d             DEBUG FLAG
 -u USE_CASE    'slicer3reg' designates the executable, template and behavior
 -p PROJECT     'run012306' primarily for naming conventions
 -i INPUT       '/home/user/data/set3' input for USE_CASE
 -f CONFIG_FILE 'run012306.xml' XML file describing options NOT WORKING

Working Example: MultiModalityRegistration

Project Slide
