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- Reviewing shape analysis with current NAMIC data
- Establishing a concrete plan and schedule for collaborations. Target projects are shape analysis and statistical analysis of anisotropy measure along fibers.
- 10am: UNC presentations for Psychiatrists/Psychologists:
- Shape Analysis of Caudate and Corpus Callosum Data (30 min)File:2005 NAMIC ShapeSchizoBWH.ppt
- ITK SNAP: A level Set Semi Automatic Segmentation tool and its use at UNC for the segmentation of brain structures File:2005 NAMIC ShapeSchizoBWH.ppt
- UNC Tools for the Statistical Analysis of Anisotropy of Diffusion Tensor Measures along White Matter Fibers. (30min) File:Isabelle100705-1.ppt
- 11:15am: Open Discussion with PNL on immediate and future collaborations plans.
- Establish what UNC needs from PNL and PNL from UNC.
- Resolve technical issues such authorship, clinical data, etc...
- 12pm: Lunch
- 1pm: Wrap up of PNL/UNC collaboration plans
- 2pm: UNC presentations for Computer Scientists.
- Shape Analysis: UNC Shape Analysis Pipeline in ITK/NAMIC File:2005 10 ShapePipeline.ppt
- Shape Analysis: Statistical Non-Parametric Permutation tests for shape hypothesis testing, File:2005 10 NonParamShapeStats.ppt
- DTI Tensor Analysis File:Isabelle100705-2.ppt
- Martin Styner (UNC)
- Isabelle Corouge (UNC)
- Martha Shenton (PNL)
- James Levitt (PNL)
- Marek Kubicki (PNL)
- C-F Westin (BWH)
- Marc Niethammer (PNL)
- Sylvain Bouix (PNL)
Discussion overview
Statistical shape analysis:
Caudate (SPD):
- Spherical harmonics for shape description
- local/global/parcellated significance and anlysis
- Local and global differences on R, but only local on L
- main shape difference in caudate head, small effect in caudate tail
- volume reduction in SPD
Corpus callosum:
- model based 2D segmentation of corpus callosum
- DTI fiber tracking based corpus callosum subdivision method (coloring based on connection to white matter parcellation -- given as a template) results in probabilistic subdivision of the corpus callosum
- quantitative analysis of DTI data (along fibers; statistics within fiber bundles)
PNL provides:
- an interpretation of the shape differences seen in SPD vs control group caudates
- a larger dataset to improve the statistical significance (chronic SZ?)
UNC provides:
- statistical shape analysis software
- fiber viewer and fiber tracking software (in Namic sandbox see also software here)
- tools for quantitiative analysis of DTI data (statistics of diffusion metrics and tensors along fibers and across fibers within a fiber bundle)
- very small sample sizes (-> PNL will provide more and different data)
- local shape difference significance measures are very conservative or not conservative enough (is there a middle groud?)
- not clear how to compare fiber tracts between subjects (how to align?)
Possible future work:
- Do statistical caudate analysis for chronic SZ (expect larger changes than for SPD)?
- Hippocampus study using the UNC software?