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DTI Meeting Minutes: February 22, 2006
- Tensor masking in Slicer
- Masking in DTMRI module is too aggressive, masking out all of the skull and even some white matter; we also don't want the eyes masked out.
- Stephan's method for masking produces the desired result, so should be replicated in Slicer
- CF: This can be fixed next Friday (3/3/06) at 1249 Boylston; still submit as a bug report
- Bug: Tract seeding settings in DTMRI
- Parameters under "Settings" tab are not affecting the tracts seeded from ROIs
- Possibly due to changes made by Lauren or Gordon as they have been modifying this section recently; will talk to Lauren about it
- Cingulum Bundle
- Raul's Sensitivity measure has been changed so that it is normalized, but has not yet been compared to previous tests
- Marek suggested that we do a validation paper that looks at previous cingulum bundle group differences from labelmaps, and compares to fiber tracking results.
- Currently we are losing all the fibers from the cingulum that go to the temporal lobe, probably because the slices are so thick and there is partial voluming
- Scanners
- We are still waiting for approval for scanning, figuring out IRB forms
- The scanners are running clinical subjects right now
- There will eventually be a transition from long-bore to short-bore, so any new longitudinal studies should be started on the short-bore scanner; Marek noted that all DTI studies should be done on the short-bore magnet (but the scanner is smaller, so some of our subjects don't fit).