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Home < DBP:Harvard:Software:Minutes:5-3-06

DTI Meeting Minutes | May 3, 2006

Present: Marty, CF, Gordon, Mark, Marc, Doug, KangUk, Sylvain, Marek


  • Marek is continuing to test out the new sequence
  • New rule that a licensed MD must request MRI even if for research
  • Problem with reconstruction with multiple b-value images; causing FA to decrease significantly
  • At the scanner, unable to arbitrarily decide the number of baseline images; Marek will try to manually change whatever parameter this is
  • Can get resolution of scans down to 1.5x1.5x1.5, but this may increase noise in the images

Tensor Registration

  • Goal of this is coregistration of segmented white matter labelmaps with our data
  • In test of new tensor registration module from Mattan, linear registration is working better than nonlinear, which is way off
  • KangUk will test this with scans of the same resolution
  • This registration is done at scalar level, and is not actually using the tensors; we can try the same thing using AG and multiple scalar maps
  • Marc will try to troubleshoot this on Friday

Anterior Commissure, Mode/FA histograms

  • Gordon has sent scripts for creating AC boundary maps
  • Gordon has sent script for generating histograms; will continue to work on this using labelmaps PNL sends to him.